The Water We Want 2023 - All Other Media

Identifier: #48
Living Waters Museum, India
Save the Rivers
Indus Valley World School, Kolkata, India. Adreet Roy, Aarish Mukherjee, Aarshi Pal, Khushima Saha.
For centuries, our rivers have been our main source of sustenance. Civilizations have grown and flourished, because of rivers. In our country, India, we are blessed with innumerable rivers that have been the cornerstone of our growth. Rivers have fed thirsty crops, they have been home to exquisite species of flora and fauna. We have thrived because our rivers are our backbone. However, we humans have abused and polluted our rivers over the years. It is time for us to come together and sound a clarion call to save our rivers from extinction. We as the future citizens of India, have to be the torch bearers of this mission. We need to understand the power that resides within each one of us to be able to make a differease. We will SAVE OUR RIVERS as WATER IS LIFE!

Identifier: #46
Paesi dell'Acqua
Looking for Myself
I.I.S.S. Enrico Giannelli, Parabita (LE), Italy. Classroom 3A.
A little basin, with some rain water and some leaves, acts like a mirror for a young and curious human girl. The water reflects her, and she looks in there for past, present, and above all future.

Identifier: #54
Special Mention
(with Commendation on “The Future of Water”)
House of Water Museum, România
The Connection Between Man and Nature
Secondary School, Hodac, Romania. Moisin Raluca.
There is a very close relationship between humans and nature, but people are slowly starting to break this connection through the pollution they create. This little dress is made as a symbol for the connection between humans and nature to remain alive. The dress is made from a trash bag found on the banks of the Gurghiu River and also some leaves found along the river bank. As an accessory, it has a bracelet made from glass bottle caps, also found on the river bank. The photo was taken on the right bank of the Gurghiu River, in Mures county. In this area, even though the water may appear clean, it is actually polluted by the plastic bottles and waste from nearby animal farms. However, compared to other places, the Gurghiu River remains relatively clean because the town halls of Ibanesti and Hodac fine people who pollute and hold them responsible for protecting the water. Through this photograph, I hope to draw people's attention to the fact that the connection between them and nature is very important. My message to the public is to pollute as little as possible in order to have cleaner water and try to recycle, just as I have done!

Identifier: #58
Aquatika – Freshwater Aquarium Karlovac, Croatia.
Hiking Along the River
Primary School Mahiëno, Karlovac. Lovro Fabac.
I really like hiking. This year I hiked to the source of the Kupa River. At school we learned what a spring is, I was very interested in what that place looks like where rivers start to flow. The source of the Kupa River and the walk to that place was wonderful. In the fresh air, I touched the bank of the river with my hiking poles, sometimes rowing with the pole on the calm and cold surface of the water. The source is like from a fairy tale, the color of the water is different, magical. This hiking trip along the river was the best trip l've ever had. Now I know what a source looks like, a river and its banks, I learned everything.

Identifier: #57
Water Museum “Leonida Truta”, Cluj-Napoca
Concentric Circles of Groundwater
"Emil Racovita" National College, Romania. Sandea Iancu Ioan.
"Mathematics is the alphabet with which God wrote the universe", says Galileo Galilei, so we find it everywhere, including underground. Drops of water falling into groundwater form perfect concentric circles, as perfect as all the world we live in and which without water would not exist.

Identifier: #56
Water Museum “Leonida Truta”, Cluj-Napoca
"Ioan Bob" Gymnasium School, Cluj, Romania. Ciorba Ana.
The "Purity" creation represents the desired clarity of water, found in two of its three states: liquid and ice. I chose this picture to draw attention to a huge problem, namely pollution. The piece of ice together with the lake symbolizes the extremely small amount of clean and orderly water on Earth, a problem that seems endless, but is artificially discussed, treated with indifference by an enormously large percentage of our planet's population. Let's unite to save our planet!

Identifier: #55
House of Water Museum, România
Illusion of Beauty
Art College, Targu Mures, Romania. Cotirlan Adelina Maria.
Beauty is not always in front of you, time will make it disappear. But maybe sometime it had a sentimental value, where the memories are kept.

Identifier: #53
Museos de Mequinenza
River Textures
Centro de FP “Santa Agatoclia”, Mequinenza, Spain. Timofey Nesterenko.
In this photograph, I wanted to show the colors and textures of our landscape, from the water of the Cinca River to the the red clay mountain in the distance. I wanted also to reflect on the beauty and power of the rivers that flow through our landscapes.

Identifier: #52
Museos de Mequinenza
A Castle over the Confluence
Centro de FP “Santa Agatoclia”, Mequinenza, Spain. Paula Vera Jarque.
I wanted to reflect the unique and beautiful intersection of these three rivers, which have played an important role in the region's history and culture. In the middle, it appears the sillouette of the medieval castle of Mequinenza.

Identifier: #51
Museos de Mequinenza
Sculpting the Landscape
Centro de FP “Santa Agatoclia”, Mequinenza, Spain. Orzan Orhan Ramadan.
I wanted to highlight the way in which water has shaped and sculpted the landscape over time, carving out patterns and formations in the rocks and earth. Also, I wanted to appreciate the delicate balance of forces that shape our planet.

Identifier: #50
Museos de Mequinenza
A Blue River
Centro de FP “Santa Agatoclia”, Mequinenza, Spain. Orzan Orhan Ramadan.
This photo wants to capture the contrast between the arid desert mountains on the one side of the river and the lush green mountains on the other, with the striking blue color of the Ebro River in the middle. It was taken from the top of a hydroelectric power plant in Mequinenza, so the photo wants to highlight the beauty of our environment and remind the complex relationship between humanity and water.

Identifier: #49
Museos de Mequinenza
A Bridge Over the Flowing River
Centro de FP “Santa Agatoclia”, Mequinenza, Spain. Eduard Constantin Marcu.
The photo captures the beauty of the water at sunrise, with a bridge spanning the calm, flowing Segre River in Mequinenza. I was inspired by the idea of representing the everyday presence of water in our lives, and sought to capture this in an artistic way. The bridge in the photograph is located just beside our school, serving as a reminder of the water's constant presence in our daily routines.

Identifier: #47
Living Waters Museum, India
MC Kejrival Vidyapeeth, Liluah, West Bengal, India. Taksh Saigal.
We must conserve water and not waste any. Many places have leaking taps, from where the water gets wasted. We need to stop the waste immediately, This will ensure clean water for our future generations.

Identifier: #45
Ecomuseum Martesana, Milano
The Cultural Aspects which Make Water a Vital Primary Resource for the Survival of our Mankind
Istituto Comprensivo “Quintino di Vona – Tito Speri”, Milano, Italy. 2F.
Sustainability, so fundamental issue as it is, is transferred and analysed in the most common activities of everyday life, virtuous behaviours that allow a sustainable use have been underlined. Our main aim is to show how too often the belief in the inexhaustible abundance of water is wrongly taken for granted. Our workshop ultimate result consists of a series of drawings, linked to the central topic which is the very same subject of this competition: “The Water we would like to have”

Identifier: #44
Ecomuseum Martesana, Milano
The Cultural Aspects which Make Water a Vital Primary Resource for the Survival of our Mankind
Istituto Comprensivo “Quintino di Vona – Tito Speri”, Milano, Italy. 1A.
Our students have been committed to researching the cultural aspects which make Water a vital primary resource for the survival of our mankind. Our workshop addresses on the most important historical and social aspects of water: fairy tales and legends with topic Water are investigated. These issues are incontrovertible evidences of the importance that was recognized in daily life to this liquid and vital element throughout human history. Our workshop produced a series of drawings, linked to the assigned central theme: Water.