The Water We Want 2024 - Drawings


Identifier: #283

Winner Winner

National Water Museum of China

The Source of Everything

National Water Museum of China, China. Zhongshan Primary School, Lishui City. Lu Yuetian

Everything has its origin. Water is very important because it is the source of life. Everything in the world can’t live without water. The proportion of water in a human body is about 70%. People can live without eating food for three days, but they will be very close to death if they don’t drink water for three days. The same goes for other creatures. What a terrible world it would be if there is no water left on the earth!

Slides: 1 | Age: 6-9 years old


Identifier: #269

Winner Winner

Water Museum of Venice

Every River Is…

Water Museum of Venice, Italy. Primary school “C. Gardan”, Caselle di Santa Maria di Sala. 4^A-4^B

The work represents a flowing river with its different identities and characteristics. It was created by superimposing the profiles of the students, colored in the shades of the river. For each profile, a sentence is reported, taken from Monika Vaicenavičienė's book "What is a river?". Some sentences have been chosen and transcribed in full. An aspect of the river for each child profile, united to form a single large watercourse, which embraces each of us in our uniqueness and our own way of expressing ourselves. Because EVERY RIVER IS all of this! Each sentence on the river refers to a key word, expressed inclusively also in CAA (Augmentative Alternative Communication) and Braille on labels glued under each profile.

Slides: 1 | Age: 10-12 years old


Identifier: #244

Winner Winner

Living Waters Museum, India

Protect Our Surrounding Environment

Living Waters Museum, India. Bamanghata High School, Bamanghata. Sujan Sardar

Waste materials from leather factories pollute the air, water, and soil, leading to the destruction of local ecosystems and contributing to climate change. This is especially prevalent in the East Kolkata Wetlands adjacent to which is a massive leather factory. We as human beings must be more aware and act as custodians of our dear Mother Earth

Slides: 1 | Age: 13-18 years old


Identifier: #277

Special Mention Special Mention

Yellow River Museum

Protecting the Earth and Revering Life

Yellow River Museum, China. Best Bilingual Primary School, Zhengzhou. Xue Zhiqiao

Nowadays, emitted and wasted gases, dust and smog as well as increasing garbage are seriouslypolluting the environment with technology’s advancing, industries’ rising and communication’sdeveloping. It is necessary for everyone to keep environmental protection in mind and put theidea into practice. Using environment-friendly energy and resources, everyone has theresponsibility to protect the environment and care for the earth. Let's start from ourselves!

Slides: 1 | Age: 6-9 years old


Identifier: #233

Special Mention Special Mention

Water Museum "Leonida Truță"

Tears of the Earth

Water Museum "Leonida Truță", Romania. Școala Gimnazială Horea Cloșca și Crișan, Cluj-Napoca. Anca Sarah

Protecting it and water is essential in the context of climate change and environmental degradation. As far as water is concerned, pollution is one of the biggest problems. Anthropogenic pollution is the main contributor to the contamination of freshwater, affecting the health of the Earth as well as that of living creatures and humans. As a result, the Earth suffers because its tears are not used for good purposes. They must be used to enjoy it as it is, as God made it. They must be transformed from tears of sorrow and suffering into tears or joy and affection

Slides: 1 | Age: 13-18 years old

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Identifier: #225

Special Mention Special Mention

Albear Aqueduct Museum / National Institute of Hydraulic Resources (IRNH)

There Is Rain In My Heart

Albear Aqueduct, Cuba. Escuela Primaria Jorge Soto Rosabal, Cueto, Holguín. Edier Yoan Diñeiro Aguilera

Like the functioning of the heart, but connected to nature, it should be our conscience in caring for and saving drinking water. With a cyclical scheme, this machine receives rainwater, treats it and then uses it rationally for cultivation. Here the author uses bright and cheerful colors to emphasize the water cycle and its vital importance for life. Use the technique of acrylic painting on cardboard.

Slides: 1 | Age: 10-12 years old


Identifier: #285

National Water Museum of China

Tears of the Elf

National Water Museum of China, China. The Second Vocational School in Xiaoshan, Hangzhou City. Shao Jie

Water plays an important role in our life, it is the source of life, and it is also the most important indispensable material resources for human survival and development. A person's life is inseparable from water, water is the most important material needed in life. On the Earth, where there is water, there is life. All life forms originated from water. Therefore, water, as a precious treasure endowed by nature, has long been concerned by people. Protecting water should not only be a public slogan, but also the action we must take. In the picture, the head of the elf was soaking with dirty water. Then the water came into her eyes as tears.

Slides: 1 | Age: 13-18 years old


Identifier: #284

National Water Museum of China

The Water World We Want

National Water Museum of China, China. Pinghu Youth Palace, Pinghu City. Xiang Yuxuan

The student painted a beautiful earth with blue and green colors and depicted drought with the orange color. Where there’s water, there are fish, some are even jumping into the pond. Flowing water nourishes dry land. The drawing is telling us that we want water, we want a world without dry and arid land. Only water can nourish every inch of the dry land. Better earth, better life

Slides: 1 | Age: 10-12 years old

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Identifier: #282

Canal Culture Museum

The White Egrets of Dongchang Lake

Canal Culture Museum, China. Dongguan Minzu Primary School,Liaocheng.Chen Xichang

In this picture there are three egrets playing in the lake. The lake is named Dongchang Lake. It is the biggest lake of north China. It is located in Liaocheng City of Shandong Province.Because it was polluted by the garbage and waste water,some wild waterfowl disappeared. But our government takes many efforts to protect the lake. Now the efforts do work. The water resources get better.In recent years more and more kinds of wild waterfowls appear in this lake, such as egrets,wild ducks, kingfishers. Through this work we want to appeal for everyone’s protection for fresh water and wild waterfowl in the world.

Slides: 1 | Age: 10-12 years old

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Identifier: #281

Canal Culture Museum

Lifeng on Earth

Canal Culture Museum,China. Jing college affiliaated experimental preschool,Liaocheng. Yin Gaoge

The little penguin in Antarctica went on a global trip and met elephants from Africa, purple monarch butterflies from Europe, giant pandas from Asia, monarch crabs from North America, and toucans from South America, and became good friends with them. The little penguin was surprised to see so many types of creatures on Earth! They have different looks, it's really interesting! Clean water allows organisms to survive, so let's work together to protect water resources and biodiversity.

Slides: 1 | Age: 6-9 years old


Identifier: #280

Yellow River Museum

The Water We Long for

Yellow River Museum, China. Best Bilingual Primary School, Zhengzhou. Niu Ruichen

In this painting, animals and humans are competing for the last drop of water, which reminds us to save water. Otherwise, there is no source of life for all!

Slides: 1 | Age: 10-12 years old


Identifier: #279

Yellow River Museum

Water is the Source of Life

Yellow River Museum, China. Best Bilingual Primary School, Zhengzhou. Qian Yuelin

Through this work, I want to tell everyone that water is the source of life and the foundation ofour food. Among the total water resources on the earth, only 3% is fresh water that we can liveon. So let's protect the water together!

Slides: 1 | Age: 10-12 years old


Identifier: #278

Yellow River Museum

Dreaming for Clear Water and Blue Sky

Yellow River Museum, China. Huayuankou Primary School, Zhengzhou. Shao Wenxi

This painting presents the close connection between humans and fresh water as well as theurgency of protecting water resources. The painting is varied in color, with blue as dominance,symbolizing clear and pure fresh water.In this painting, center is the blue water, standing for fresh water lakes, rivers, and groundwateron the earth. Dense vegetation and energetic animals around it together create a harmonious ecosystem.

Slides: 1 | Age: 10-12 years old


Identifier: #276

Yellow River Museum

The Water We Want

Yellow River Museum, China. Best Bilingual Primary School, Zhengzhou. Zhang Chenjia

Clear rivers, lakes, and ocean were once the most beautiful landscape on the earth. However,these beautiful views are gradually disappearing due to severer pollution. Protecting waterresources is to safeguard our common home, let’s make the globe beautiful and lively again.

Slides: 1 | Age: 6-9 years old


Identifier: #275

Yellow River Museum

Cherishing Every Drop of Water

Yellow River Museum, China. Headstart Bilingual Primary School, Zhengzhou. Wang Li

This work depicts an exquisite water cycling system. It not only provides recycled water forpeople's daily use, but also serves as a fountain to decorate the environment. Meanwhile, itcarries active water into the park lake and waters the lawn. The work showcases multi-functions ofthe water cycling system and its positive impact on the environment, also arouses people’sthinking on the protection and rational utilization of water resources.

Slides: 1 | Age: 6-9 years old


Identifier: #274

Aquapic, Timisoara

Song of Water

Aquapic, Timisoara, Moldova. Școala Raională de Arte Plastice Nicolae Moisei, Telenești, Republic of Moldova. Daniela Caprian

In a dry and thirsty world, two girls have become symbols of balance and hope. The girl in the foregroundexudes a soothing strength, her blue hair flowing like a spring of life. In her hands, she carefully pours waterinto a struggling stream, a symbol of regeneration and care for nature. Beside her, a white swan floatsgracefully, reflecting purity and harmony. In the background, the other girl lovingly brings water from afar,struggling to sustain the lives that depend on this source. Between them, a rainbow shines like a promise ofhope and prosperity. Overall, this work is an ode to humanity and nature, a call for responsibility andsolidarity in the face of environmental challenges

Slides: 1 | Age: 13-18 years old


Identifier: #273

Aquapic, Timisoara


Aquapic, Timisoara, Romania. Liceul Bilingv Miguel de Cervantes, București. Mihai Tudor Hila

Our actions, of any kind, will impact the environment and our way of living, in time. It won’t be easy to dealwith the consequences and repair the harm done. We want to have a better water and only we can make thishappen!

Slides: 1 | Age: 10-12 years old


Identifier: #272

Aquapic, Timisoara

The water of life

Aquapic, Timisoara, Romania. Liceul Bilingv Miguel de Cervantes, București. Maria Ariana Hila

Through this work i wish to highlight the importance of water in our lives. if we keep the natural watersources clean, our bodies will benefit from it. let’s embrace water with love and be grateful for its presencein our lives!

Slides: 1 | Age: 13-18 years old


Identifier: #271

Aquapic, Timisoara

What Will the Future Look Like?

Aquapic, Timisoara, Romania. Scoala Gimnaziala, Timisoara. Carina Modra

The world that the children will inherit could be a world of disasters, a world where resources are exploited to the point of exhaustion, a world ruled by greed, but it could also be a place of cooperation, of respect for nature and life, a better and fairer place for all.

Slides: 1 | Age: 10-12 years old


Identifier: #270

Water Museum of Ireland

The Life Cycle

Water Museum of Ireland, Ireland. Coláiste Naomh Mhuire, Buttevant. Olivia Requejo

The planet’s life-cycle and the water-cycle are interconnected. My drawing illustrates that since thebeginning, time and water have flowed simultaneously. Hands represent mother nature spilling the water thatis necessary for Earth’s story to begin. The story is the never-ending tale of the relationship between waterand all living things. Mother nature provides the planet with plentiful supply of freshwater through rivers,lakes, streams, and ponds. We are given what we need and it’s our responsibility to respect and look after itso there is enough water for everyone, including future generations. The next stage, industrial development,is depicted by the waterwheel - perhaps the earliest source of mechanical energy. Its invention was life-changing. In an age of trying to discover zero-emission technology that provides renewable energy, the eco-friendly waterwheel has even greater significance where fish can pass through unharmed. Sustainabilitymust be our water legacy. The final section is today’s story. Water is spilling onto Earth for us to use butdrought is also represented by the dry, cracked ground. The little sapling which grows from the stray splashof water denotes hope, that if we reverse effects of climate change, Earth’s diverse biomes can survive andflourish.

Slides: 1 | Age: 13-18 years old


Identifier: #268

Water Museum of Venice

Water Of Peace

Water Museum of Venice, Italy. “G. Leopardi” Primary school, Campagna Lupia. 4^A - 4^B

We travelled with the fresh water of the river, following it from the source to the mouth. Then, when it started to evaporate, we saw the clouds flying in the sky. In the form of rain, when it was time to return, the sound of water drops on the earth made us dance. Water is a universal good: it must be loved, preserved and protected. We boys and girls let ourselves be carried by the water and we want to continue our journey. But there is no life if there is war in the world so, in the water of a great river, let’s go sailing and with the colors of the rainbow the beautiful planet we try to save. It will be a blue and colorful message of peace that to humanity, happy and together, we want to give. Water in the past: you are the source life gave us. Water in the present: you quench every living being’s thirst. Water in the future: power of nature… you will remain a source of pure energy. Fresh water of hope: flow in abundance for us in the world. Clean water of PEACE: wash the Earth’s wounds and erase wars everywhere!

Slides: 1 | Age: 10-12 years old


Identifier: #267

Water Museum of Venice

Sister Water

Water Museum of Venice, Italy. "P.R.Giuliani” Primary school, Ponte. San Nicolò 3^A

The Water Manifesto entitled "Sister Water" illustrates and personifies the local water with its main rivers. The Manifesto expresses, in rhyme, five points of reflection and in-depth analysis proposed to pupils at school: the importance of the sweet water - human beings and water - pollution alert - children's plea - the commitment to respect the water.

Slides: 1 | Age: 6-9 years old


Identifier: #266

Water Museum of Venice

The Life Along The River

Water Museum of Venice, Italy. "A. Martini” Secondary school, Peseggia di Scorzè. Ester Miglioranza class

What would life be like for humans and entire planet without water?

Slides: 1 | Age: 10-12 years old


Identifier: #265

Posavje Museum Brežice

Polluted Sea

Posavje Museum Brežice, Slovenia. Marjana Nemca Radeče primary school, Radece. Neza Klansek

I drew a picture on the subject of pollution, where a lot of waste passes through the whale body, which we as humans throw in nature

Slides: 1 | Age: 13-18 years old


Identifier: #264

Posavje Museum Brežice

Save The Water- Save The Trees

Posavje Museum Brežice, Slovenia. Marjana Nemca Radeče primary school, Radece. Inja Dragar

I just wanted to tell people that we are losing our planet Earth because we are destroying it. We are going to lose bees, trees and water. This is what I was thinking about

Slides: 1 | Age: 10-12 years old


Identifier: #263

Posavje Museum Brežice

In The Company Of The Well

Posavje Museum Brežice, Slovenia. Primary School Brežice, Brežice. Alja Vornik

Two children draw water from the well, each in their own way

Slides: 1 | Age: 6-9 years old

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Identifier: #262

House of Water Museum

Mother Water

House of Water Museum, Romania. Valea Largă Secondary School. 4th grade

One day, Mother Water remembered her children in the arid lands. Knowing that without water they were in danger of death, she opened wide the door of her heart and poured forth streams full of life. As the water spread over the land everything came back to life. Nature burst with colour and all earthly and aquatic beings were full of joy. They marvelled at the power of Mother Water and expressed their gratitude. Everything around is green, people were shouting for joy, the grass regained it's colour and the flowers regained their beauty

Slides: 1 | Age: 10-12 years old

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Identifier: #261

House of Water Museum

Old River

House of Water Museum, Romania. Colegiul Național Pedagogic „Mihai Eminescu", Târgu Mureș. Crisan Nicoleta

In an old folk legend, it is said that in the past, at the end of autumn, rivers turned into elders, gathered in the middle of forests and talked about the beauties they saw. Then, clean and quiet, they froze their banks, and waited for a new spring to travel again. For a very long time old rivers no longer talk about beauty, tranquillity and cleanliness. They live in the darkness of pollution, and their bodies begin to decompose due to the weights they carry on their way- waste. Together we can give life back to the Old River!

Slides: 1 | Age: 13-18 years old

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Identifier: #260

Brazilian Water Museum

The Fresh Of Fresh Water

Brazilian Water Museum, Brasil. Escola gradual girassol de tempo integral Meira Matos, Aparecida de Rio Negro. Wesley Kelvy Andrade da Silva

In a world where fresh water is an essential treasure for life. In this scenario we cannot ignore the crucial role of trees, being like silent sentinels, witnesses of the passage of time and guardians of the earth. As we face challenges such as pollution and water scarcity, we must remember the importance of preserving and honouring these guardians of fresh water. Because only through respect and cooperation with nature can we guarantee a prosperous future for all beings who share this beautiful planet

Slides: 1 | Age: 13-18 years old

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Identifier: #259

Brazilian Water Museum

Water: A Precious Liquid In Our Hands

Brazilian Water Museum, Brasil. Escola municipal rozenda zane Moraes, Montes Claros. Sarah Oliveira Silva

The drawing shows the importance of the water for tribes and communities that use the water to water their crops, in fishing, as a means of transport through boats and canoes. Therefore how human beings depend on it

Slides: 1 | Age: 13-18 years old

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Identifier: #258

Brazilian Water Museum

Interconnection Between The Apinajé Indigenous Community And The Tocantins River

Brazilian Water Museum, Brasil. EscoIa Indígena Tekator, .Paula Tamkakre Ribeiro Apinaje

The drawing depicts the interconnection between the Apinajé indigenous community and the Tocantins River and its streams present in their lands in the indigenous territory. Traditional indigenous paintings adorn the scene, symbolizing the spiritual and cultural connection of the Apinajé people with water and nature. Streams represent not only vital sources of water, but they are also symbols of life, sustenance, leisure and fun and their essential natural ecosystems for the Apinajé indigenous community, with beautiful crystal clear and icy waters that delight to look at, and with the songs of birds, which brings peace and pure air of nature. This Theme describes water as a source of life to the Apinajé indigenous people.

Slides: 1 | Age: 13-18 years old


Identifier: #257

Brazilian Water Museum

The Water Is Life

Brazilian Water Museum, Brasil. Escola estadual Ana Macedo Maia, Porto Nacional. Lucas fidelis dos santos

The draw shows a hand holding a glass of water in the center, highlighting the importance of water for it. Around the hand, first of all there are people taking a shower and playing in the water that was 100% pure. Then a person drinking water, showing that the water was already 50% unfit for use. Later, a person observed the water pollution. And finally, we have a cemetery that shows that it is not possible to exist without water. Therefore, the drawing portrays the process that is leadng the imminence of lack of water for humanity in the future

Slides: 1 | Age: 10-12 years old


Identifier: #256

Brazilian Water Museum

Water Is The Vein Of The Earth

Brazilian Water Museum, Brasil. Tarquinio Cobra Olyntho, Sao Jose de Rio Pardo. Alice Sophie

My drawing was inspired by my veins, how it guides the blood through my body the water and the vein that give us life to our world. Water is the vein of the earth

Slides: 1 | Age: 10-12 years old


Identifier: #255

Musée Mohammed VI - Aman, Marrakech

Water Is Life

Musée Mohammed VI - Aman, Morocco. Hilali Terga International School, Marrakech. Ranya el ouarz

I drew this drawing because water is important for our life. There are some people who don't even have water to drink. If there is no rain there will be no life. So, we mustn't waste a lot of water if we want people to have enough water to drink in the future

Slides: 1 | Age: 10-12 years old


Identifier: #254

Musée Mohammed VI - Aman, Marrakech

Two Different Thoughts Two Different Worlds

Musée Mohammed VI - Aman, Morocco. Hilali Terga International School, Marrakech. Radia Chraibi

My painting is a calligraphic painting representing two different faces, a happy face and a sad face of a world that preserves water and takes care of nature and the sad face is a city which has not taken care of water and which does not know how to find water. That's why it suffers from a terrible water shortage we have to take care of water in the manner of happy face

Slides: 1 | Age: 10-12 years old


Identifier: #253

Musée Mohammed VI - Aman, Marrakech

The Cup

Musée Mohammed VI - Aman, Morocco. Arganier High School Izdihar, Marrakech. Oumayma Janah

Nothing compares to you, a descender from the sky like pure water, from you i have nothing but this cup healing my sorrow whenever echoes assail me returning what was lost to me

Slides: 1 | Age: 13-18 years old


Identifier: #252

Musée Mohammed VI - Aman, Marrakech

The Water We Want

Musée Mohammed VI - Aman, Morocco. Hilali Torga International School, Marrakech. Kenza Oulaad

The earth is the most important thing in our life, some have to protect it. There are different ways to do that. My illustration talks about the earth and the water, we have to protect them and don't waste the water

Slides: 1 | Age: 10-12 years old


Identifier: #251

Lisbon Water Museum

Inside Our Home

Lisbon Water Museum, Portugal. Academia de Música de Costa Cabral, Porto. Alice Pinto, Leonor Monteiro, Margarida Aires

Our home is dying... on the surface, it may seem like everything is fine, but the Earth's freshwater resources are being destroyed by humans. Every day, tons of waste contaminate our water reserves and polluting gases are emitted. Therefore, with this collage, we intend to raise awareness of the issue of water resource pollution and the impact it has on our planet before it is too late.

Slides: 1 | Age: 10-12 years old


Identifier: #250

Lisbon Water Museum

Stop Water Pollution

Lisbon Water Museum, Portugal. Escola Básica 2,3 Vírginia Moura, Guimarães. Sérgio Mendes da Costa

Water is essential for both humanity and biodiversity. Despite their extreme importance, water resources have suffered degradation processes and almost half of the areas covered by fresh water are compromised. The graphic elements of this design show the results of inappropriate use by the human population and the impacts caused by industrialization. This drawing aims to raise awareness for the conservation of this resource, it’s for young people who live in places where water is scarce, and also for those who live with some abundance but who deliberate waste it.

Slides: 1 | Age: 10-12 years old


Identifier: #249

Lisbon Water Museum

Fresh Water Puzzle

Lisbon Water Museum, Portugal. Escola Básica Luísa Ducla Soares, Lisbon. 3rd grade class (21 students)

Water is one of the most precious assets on our planet and without it we cannot survive. Did you know that only 3% of the water in the world is fresh water? For this reason, we must adopt measures to save this very important resource, as it could easily run out. At Escola Luísa Ducla Soares we do our part. Because good habits begin at a young age, we have environmentally friendly taps and toilets. So that we can help you come up with more ideas on how to save drinking water, the third-year class decided to create a puzzle on this topic so that everyone can learn in a fun way. We hope you enjoy and learn with us!

Slides: 1 | Age: 6-9 years old


Identifier: #248

Living Waters Museum, India

Sweet Waters

Living Waters Museum, India. Bidya Bharati Girls High School, Kolkata. Aheli Banerjee

Water water everywhere, not a drop to drink”..Water, so purposefully depicted in the above lines of the poem, is probably the most precious thing in the world. The earth is the only planet to have water on it. Water plays the main role behind life as it is the main constituent of any cell, whether it is plant or animal. The earth is covered with 70% of water but only 1% of it is sweet water, i.e. the water is fit for drinking. Common sources of sweet water are glaciers, rivers, streams, lakes, ponds and rainwater. Actually, the earth’s content of sweet water gets refilled through the water cycle. Deforestation, pollution and global warming are causing the content of sweet water on the earth’s surface to decrease day by day. But without it there would have been no life because the relation between humans and the earth is indescribable as one depends on the life of the other for the survival of itself. So, through this painting, I, Aheli Banerjee, want to convey to the society to maintain the ecological balance in both urban and rural areas for not only the survival of us, but also for the earth.

Slides: 1 | Age: 10-12 years old

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Identifier: #247

Living Waters Museum, India

Confluence In Crisis

Living Waters Museum, India. Mahadevi Birla World Academy, Kolkata. Sridatri Dasgupta

Navigating Water Scarcity, Climate Change and Biodiversity Loss. Because of unethical deforestation, emission of greenhouse gases from factories and fossil fuel-driven vehicles causing global warming that put the human race towards extinction from a dire shortage of drinking water. The use of plastics has made things worse because of the fatal effects on marine life. It's time, if not late, we should plant more trees to have rain immediately. Otherwise, we have to be prepared to see taps running dry. Education to build a more sustainable and resilient future for both people and the planet.

Slides: 1 | Age: 10-12 years old

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Identifier: #246

Living Waters Museum, India

Water Awareness

Living Waters Museum, India. Mahadevi Birla World Academy, Kolkata. Zikrah Afaque

The artwork visually depicts the various applications of water in our daily lives, including drinking, cooking, cleaning, and gardening. It also emphasizes the importance of raising awareness about water conservation, enabling individuals to understand their water consumption and identify opportunities for reduction. The painting serves as a poignant reminder of our collective responsibility to practice mindfulness in water usage and actively implement water conservation measures.

Slides: 1 | Age: 13-18 years old


Identifier: #245

Living Waters Museum, India

River, Women And Faith

Living Waters Museum, India. Bidya Bharati Girls High School, Kolkata. Shita Ghosh

The rivers in India are like ancient storytellers. They flow through time, carrying whispers of devotion and hope. For me, the Ganges is more than water; it’s a sacred embrace. I’ve seen women, their sarees soaked, offering prayers at dawn. Their faith is unwavering, like the river’s current. They believe in its purifying touch, even when pollution clouds its surface. With their folded hands and closed eyes, these river women connect generations. They teach me that faith isn’t just about rituals; it’s about love for something greater than ourselves

Slides: 1 | Age: 13-18 years old


Identifier: #243

Kahramaa Water Awareness Park Qatar

Water Journey In Qatar Through Time

Kahramaa Water Awareness Park Qatar-Sherborne Qatar School-Doha-Qatar-Laura Ibrahim Daher

Until the mid 20th century the city of Doha was almost entirely reliant on water drawn from numerous shallow wells. The population of Qatar relied on wells from which freshwater was extracted, which catered to all of their water needs. Similar to other arid and desert countries, Qatar's environment is characterized by a lack of renewable freshwater resources such as rivers and lakes. A water well is an excavation or structure created in the ground by digging, driving, boring or drilling to access groundwater in underground aquifers. Over time, the quality of the groundwater has been deteriorating, because as the fresh water is taken out, the seawater is pulled in from underground to fill the gap. So how can groundwater in Qatar be sustainably managed? Kahramaa is actively rehabilitating and activating over 300 existing recharge wells around Qatar, to increase the direct recharge to the aquifer system in the country from the rain and subsequently improve the groundwater condition and increase its availability for water security, while at the same time extending efforts to drill and develop about 60 recharge/injection and observation wells to increase the direct recharge to storage zone and to increase the productivity of the aquifer system from the rain

Slides: 1 | Age: 10-12 years old


Identifier: #242

Water Museum Parque Patrimonial das Águas

As lavadeiras (The Portuguese Washerwomen) 2

Water Museum Parque Patrimonial das Águas, Portugal. Colégio Primeiros Passos, Porto. 4th grade

The Lavadeiras (Washerwomen) are a traditional figure in the cultural heritage of water in Portugal and Porto. Washing clothes was a task reserved for women and in the twentieth century a typology of building was created for this function: the lavadouro (washing house), a communal tank where women gathered to wash clothes and socialize. The lavadouro was created not only to reduce the pollution of the city's waters, because before the lavadouro, clothes were washed in rivers and public fountains, but also to dignify the role of the Lavadeiras. This drawing was the result of a Heritage Education action with primary school children in collaboration with the master's degree in Art History, Heritage and Visual Culture of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto. We believe that, based on the history of water's cultural heritage, we have been able to sensitize for sustainable practices

Slides: 1 | Age: 6-9 years old


Identifier: #241

Water Museum Parque Patrimonial das Águas

As lavadeiras (The Portuguese Washerwomen) 1

Water Museum Parque Patrimonial das Águas, Portugal. Colégio Primeiros Passos, Porto. 3rd grade

"The Lavadeiras (Washerwomen) are a traditional figure in the cultural heritage of water in Portugal and Porto. Washing clothes was a task reserved for women and in the twentieth century a typology of building was created for this function: the lavadouro (washing house), a communal tank where women gathered to wash clothes and socialize. The lavadouro was created not only to reduce the pollution of the city's waters, because before the lavadouro, clothes were washed in rivers and public fountains, but also to dignify the role of the Lavadeiras. This drawing was the result of a Heritage Education action with primary school children in collaboration with the master's degree in Art History, Heritage and Visual Culture of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of
the University of Porto. We believe that, based on the history of water's cultural heritage, we have been
able to sensitize for sustainable practices"

Slides: 1 | Age: 6-9 years old


Identifier: #240

Baiheliang Underwater Museum, Chongqing

Dialogue of Human Civilization

Chongqing baiheliang underwater museum, China. Fuling No.14 Middle School in Chongqing. Ren Yicheng

…The Yangtze River in China and the Nile River in Egypt, both of which have nurtured ancient agricultural civilization. There are many similarities between the Baiheliang in China and the Nile Rluer in Egypt, both of which embody the great wisdom of ancient laboring people and are common wealth of human society. Jointly applying for World Heritage can better promote mutual understanding and cultural understanding among human civilizations, and promote the development of human society.

Slides: 1 | Age: 13-18 years old


Identifier: #239

Baiheliang Underwater Museum, Chongqing

I Am In Jiangnan, Looking At The Waterside

Chongqing baiheliang underwater museum, China. Jiang dong liangtang primary school fuling chongqing. Chen yi Zhou

I set foot on the dream of Jiangnan, to explore the bridge flowing water people's quiet and poetic. Here, ancient houses are built on the water, and each landscape is picturesque. I saw the Hanshan Temple River outside Suzhou, the fishing fire in the river maple, the thousand-year-old temple in sorrow sleep, the beautiful legend of name of a person and Madame White Snake in the bridge breaking under the setting light of Lei Feng on the West Lake. See the canal on both sides of the ancient town of Wuzhen thick brick a tile, a water a bridge... I carry the love and attachment to this land forward, every time back to the capital can see that piece of intoxicating Jiangnan scenery

Slides: 1 | Age: 6-9 years old


Identifier: #238

Baiheliang Underwater Museum, Chongqing

Water to be Drink over Soon

Chongqing baiheliang underwater museum, China. Congling Nine Year School in Baisheng Town, Fuling District,Chongqing, Xin Ling Zhou

With the development of industry, the rampant destruction of the environment by human production and life, and our waste of water resources, the freshwater resources available for our use are becoming increasingly scarce! For the reproduction of human society, we must protect our enduring freshwater resources and not let our tears of regret become the last water!

Slides: 1 | Age: 10-12 years old


Identifier: #237

Baiheliang Underwater Museum, Chongqing

Grandmother’s Home

Chongqing baiheliang underwater museum, China. Zhejiang province and Fuling district friends school, Fuling Chongqing China. Jing Lin

See grandmother was seedlings in the field, this scene is picturesque

Slides: 1 | Age: 10-12 years old

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Identifier: #236

Water Museum "Leonida Truță"

A Better Environment

Water Museum "Leonida Truță", Romania. Școala Gimnazială Panda, Cluj Napoca. Chifor Victor

In my drawing I created two worlds, the bad one and the good one. The bad one shows us what it would happen, if we don't take care to not pollute the aquatic environments in which the marine creatures live. The good one, reflects one of the many solutions through which we can clean the seas and the oceans to produce our aquatic animals and to have access to clean water, which doesn't make us sick

Slides: 1 | Age: 6-9 years old


Identifier: #235

Water Museum "Leonida Truță"

How We Save The World

Water Museum "Leonida Truță", Romania. Școala Gimnazială Panda, Cluj Napoca. Stoica Razvan

In my drawing I represented the way the water saves our world. If we don't have water, both te world and the nature will suffer. The work represents a warning so save the planet by cleaning the water!

Slides: 1 | Age: 10-12 years old


Identifier: #234

Water Museum "Leonida Truță"

I Am The Soul Of The Earth

Water Museum "Leonida Truță", Romania. Colegiul Naţional Gheorghe Şincai,Cluj-Napoca. Teachasirithavorn Sofia Ai Ming

You can read me from the right to the left, in Romanian I remain the same APA (water). I am universal from the depths of the earth to the air of haven and womb of the mother to the tears of the children. Japanese researchers have shown the world that I have memory, that I feel the people's thoughts. I feel that you can keep me delicate to protect my metamorphoses and you to be well

Slides: 1 | Age: 13-18 years old


Identifier: #232

Water Museum "Leonida Truță"

The Waterfall of Pure Dreams

Water Museum "Leonida Truță", Romania. Collegiul Emil Negrutiu, Turda. Boca Hadasa Ildiko

Work done on the occasion of World Water Day 2024. It shows a breeze of water of a mountain river in a wide, wild valley, where, in the second plane you can see the coniferous forests

Slides: 1 | Age: 13-18 years old


Identifier: #231

Autonomous Province of Trento

Parallel Worlds

Autonomous Province of Trento, Italy. Istituto comprensivo Trento 7. Daniele Bortolotti, Giona Tamanini

This drawing depicts two parallel worlds: in one world people are wasting water, while in the other one people have no water at all

Slides: 1 | Age: 10-12 years old


Identifier: #230

MUSE - Science Museum, Trento

Water! Acqua! Wasser!

MUSE, Italy. Scuola primaria di Zivignago. 3rd grade

After reflecting on water in it's various aspects, the third the great class decided the two include in their project an aspect important to us the languages they are learning for this reason the children created acrostics of the word water in the street different languages studied at school italian German and english several reflections emerged from this Activity during italian lessons the importance of coming together to protect this precious resource was discussed implementing a series of behaviours and measures aimed at it's preservation. During English lessons the children instead reflected on the different forms that water can take and the sound it produces. They also noticed how water is abundantly present in every living element and how it surrounds us all, even if not immediately available to everyone. Finally, with the German teacher, the theme of play was addressed: in its various forms, it allows us to discover ourselves, for example through sports such as skiing, swimming or skating. The children created three acrostics, incorporating small themed drawings inside the letters that make up the word "water" in three different languages

Slides: 1 | Age: 6-9 years old


Identifier: #229

MUSE - Science Museum, Trento

The Impact Of Man On The World

MUSE, Italy. Scuola Priamria Di Albiano, Civezzano. Fourth Grade

We have represented a clear river, with fish. This river meets the earth: here it gets dirty with plastic, rubbish and pollution. The river changes color, turns brown, and there are no more fish. The idea we want to convey is that the world is polluted by humans.

Slides: 1 | Age: 6-9 years old

in the magic lab

Identifier: #228

MUSE - Science Museum, Trento

In The Magic Lab...

MUSE, Italy. Istituto Tecnologico Guglielmo Marconi, Rovereto. 1g

download file

Water is an element that can't be taken for granted. It's not an infinite resource and its scarcity on earth demonstrates how important this resource is and how essential it is to manage it in a responsible way. Assuming that all 8 billion of us need water to stay alive how to avoid wasting it and how to develop an awareness of its value starting in schools and more precisely in an amazing chemistry lab the comic book is our small but significant contribution to the achievement of environmental sustainability and to the development of a greater sense of responsibility for the life of each person enjoy the reading

Slides: 1 | Age: 13-18 years old


Identifier: #227

Canadian Museum of Water

Save The Water

Canadian Museum Of Water, Canada. Mundy's Bay Elementary School, Ontario. Lucy Travers

"Save the Water" by Lucy Travers (age 9) depicts a rainbow, hands, and "Save the Water" written in fourteen world languages, emphasizing the global nature of water conservation, and how solutions must be multilateral. The image depicts lean water as well as green background and a green tree, showing the correlations between water and ecology

Slides: 1 | Age: 6-9 years old

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Identifier: #226

Albear Aqueduct Museum / National Institute of Hydraulic Resources (IRNH)

Captain Water

Albear Aqueduct Cuba. Escuela Primaria Jesus Rabé Sabón, Jiguaní, Granma. Diuber Alejandro Massague Espinosa

In this work Captain Water is represented giving the message of care and saving our precious liquid. And so, when children see this great superhero, they identify with him and it motivates them to take care of water more diligently

Slides: 1 | Age: 10-12 years old

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Identifier: #224

Albear Aqueduct Museum / National Institute of Hydraulic Resources (IRNH)


Albear Aqueduct, Cuba. Escuela Secundaria Básica Raúl Cepero Bonilla, Frank País, Holguín. Samuel Rueda García

With the sgraffito technique, a scene depopulated by animals and nature is represented as a consequence of humans' neglect of water, where dark colors are used to emphasize the idea of desertification of the planet due to the lack of the most precious liquid in the world planet Earth.

Slides: 1 | Age: 13-18 years old


Identifier: #223

Albear Aqueduct Museum / National Institute of Hydraulic Resources (IRNH)

Water,source Of Life And Well-being

Albear Aqueduct Cuba. Regional School for Physical-Motor Disability “Marta Abreu”, Villa Clara. Javier Pérez Rodríguez

The plastic work is made by a child with a physical-motor disability. In the work, the guide as a source of life stands out as a fundamental theme. The love and care for the fields of Cuba and nature are reflected. A landscape is identified that exposes in its maximum splendor children caring for the animals and crops that serve as food in the cycle of life. Various colors are used, highlighting green in its meaning of hope. Different materials were used such as crayons, tempera, colored collage paper. As a fundamental message, it transmits to us the love of nature from an early age and the role that must be played in the care and preservation of water and the environment

Slides: 1 | Age: 13-18 years old

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Identifier: #222

Albear Aqueduct Museum / National Institute of Hydraulic Resources (IRNH)

Water Reuse

Albear Aqueduct, Cuba. Escuela Primaria Máximo Gómez Báez, Versalles, Matanzas. Alexa Trimiño Dregue

With the drawing the girl wanted to graphically explain how drinking water from rainfall can be reused, so that it is filtered and can be used in different activities of daily life. Using this collected rainwater for household chores is a way to save money and be environmentally friendly.

Slides: 1 | Age: 6-9 years old


Identifier: #221

Albear Aqueduct Museum / National Institute of Hydraulic Resources (IRNH)

The Global Spill

Albear Aqueduct, Cuba. Centro Mixto Baclin Surgidero de Batabanó, Mayabeque. Daynelis Cordero Palenzuela

In this drawing, the Earth is represented as a living being in distress. Two hands grab it and squeeze it, causing a blue liquid to spill from its surface. Hands symbolize human activity and its impact on the planet. The liquid represents the natural resources that we are depleting and the pollution we generate. The small oil platform on top of the Earth suggests a connection to fossil fuel exploitation. In short, the drawing conveys a message about the need to take care of our global home and avoid irresponsible waste

Slides: 1 | Age: 13-18 years old

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Identifier: #220

Museos de Mequinenza

Who Doesn't Fit Doesn't Fly

Museos de Mequinenza, Spain. IES Joaquín Torres, Mequinenza. Pau López

The work expresses a problem in our society, the lack of potable water as a resource for our survival, the awareness of scarcity in many areas of the planet, and the misuse and contamination of potable water. The elements of the illustration are everyday objects, alluding to the fact that small human actions are capable of moving the world.

Slides: 1 | Age: 13-18 years old

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Identifier: #219

Museos de Mequinenza

Drops Of Sweetness

Museos de Mequinenza, Spain. IES Joaquín Torres, Mequinenza. Khalid Chali

Water is essential for our existence, both physically and spiritually. It nourishes us, hydrates us, and sustains life on Earth. Beyond its biological function, water connects us with nature, reminding us of our interdependence with the world around us. Its fluidity teaches us the importance of adapting and flowing life’s changes. Water is much more than a resource: it is a symbol of life, renewal and connection with our environment

Slides: 1 | Age: 13-18 years old

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Identifier: #218

Museos de Mequinenza

Whoever Doses Does Not Sacrifice

Museos de Mequinenza, Spain. IES Joaquín Torres, Mequinenza. Aaron Esteve

This work is titled “Whoever doses does not sacrifice” to imply that there is a big problem in our society, no awareness of the scarcity of drinking water in most parts of the planet. It is necessary since water is essential in the life of all living beings. I have decided to draw since nowadays we see more of image than text. It represents everyday life on planet Earth and it is supported by a crystalline drop of water, because water and other elements are what make life on our planet possible.

Slides: 1 | Age: 13-18 years old


Identifier: #217

Paesi dell'Acqua

Let's Stop The Hemorrage Of Resources

Il Paese Dell’acqua, Italy. Istituto Comprensivo Nicolasole, Senise. Uccelli Melania

Freshwater is one of the most precious resources on our planet. It represents only 2.5% of the total water on Earth, but it is essential for the survival of all forms of life. Freshwater is at the base of every terrestrial ecosystem, from small mountain streams to large rivers that flow into the oceans. It is indispensable for agriculture, industry, and daily domestic use. However, freshwater is a limited resource and is increasingly under pressure due to climate change and overuse. Its importance cannot be underestimated. We must commit to conserving and sustainably managing this vital resource, to ensure a sustainable future for all living beings on Earth. Always remember, every drop counts.

Slides: 1 | Age: 10-12 years old


Identifier: #216

Paesi dell'Acqua

Earth, a Sponge Without Water

Il Paese Dell’acqua, Italy. Istituto Comprensivo Nicolasole, Senise. Ricciardi Domenico

Freshwater is one of the most precious resources on our planet. It represents only 2.5% of the total water on Earth, but it is essential for the survival of all forms of life. Freshwater is at the base of every terrestrial ecosystem, from small mountain streams to large rivers that flow into the oceans. It is indispensable for agriculture, industry, and daily domestic use. However, freshwater is a limited resource and is increasingly under pressure due to climate change and overuse. Its importance cannot be underestimated. We must commit to conserving and sustainably managing this vital resource, to ensure a sustainable future for all living beings on Earth. Always remember, every drop counts.

Slides: 1 | Age: 10-12 years old


Identifier: #215

Paesi dell'Acqua

Water Is Beautyful, Water is Life, Respect It!

Il Paese Dell’acqua, Italy. Istituto Comprensivo Nicolasole, Senise. Megbuflior Amanda

Freshwater is one of the most precious resources on our planet. It represents only 2.5% of the total water on Earth, but it is essential for the survival of all forms of life. Freshwater is at the base of every terrestrial ecosystem, from small mountain streams to large rivers that flow into the oceans. It is indispensable for agriculture, industry, and daily domestic use. However, freshwater is a limited resource and is increasingly under pressure due to climate change and overuse. Its importance cannot be underestimated. We must commit to conserving and sustainably managing this vital resource, to ensure a sustainable future for all living beings on Earth. Always remember, every drop counts.

Slides: 1 | Age: 10-12 years old


Identifier: #214

Paesi dell'Acqua

Water Makes Up The World

Il Paese Dell’acqua, Italy. Istituto Comprensivo Nicolasole, Senise. Bellusci Miriam

Freshwater is one of the most precious resources on our planet. It represents only 2.5% of the total water on Earth, but it is essential for the survival of all forms of life. Freshwater is at the base of every terrestrial ecosystem, from small mountain streams to large rivers that flow into the oceans. It is indispensable for agriculture, industry, and daily domestic use. However, freshwater is a limited resource and is increasingly under pressure due to climate change and overuse. Its importance cannot be underestimated. We must commit to conserving and sustainably managing this vital resource, to ensure a sustainable future for all living beings on Earth. Always remember, every drop counts.

Slides: 1 | Age: 10-12 years old


Identifier: #213

Paesi dell'Acqua

Making Sure That Water Regenerates Life Is Our Absolute Priority

Il Paese Dell’acqua, Italy. Istituto Comprensivo Nicolasole, Senise. Alvino Emanuela

Freshwater is one of the most precious resources on our planet. It represents only 2.5% of the total water on Earth, but it is essential for the survival of all forms of life. Freshwater is at the base of every terrestrial ecosystem, from small mountain streams to large rivers that flow into the oceans. It is indispensable for agriculture, industry, and daily domestic use. However, freshwater is a limited resource and is increasingly under pressure due to climate change and overuse. Its importance cannot be underestimated. We must commit to conserving and sustainably managing this vital resource, to ensure a sustainable future for all living beings on Earth. Always remember, every drop counts.

Slides: 1 | Age: 10-12 years old


Identifier: #212

Paesi dell'Acqua

Water Is For Everyone

Il Paese Dell’acqua, Italy. Istituto Comprensivo Nicolasole, Senise. Amendolara Rosa

Freshwater is one of the most precious resources on our planet. It represents only 2.5% of the total water on Earth, but it is essential for the survival of all forms of life. Freshwater is at the base of every terrestrial ecosystem, from small mountain streamsto large rivers that flow into the oceans. It is indispensable for agriculture, industry,and daily domestic use. However, freshwater is a limited resource and is increasingly under pressure due to climate change and overuse. Its importance cannot be underestimated. We must commit to conserving and sustainably managing this vital resource, to ensure a sustainable future for all living beings on Earth. Always remember, every drop counts.

Slides: 1 | Age: 10-12 years old
