Winners 2nd Edition


004 2021 RO AQUAPIC A DRAW 03

Identifier: #65

Winner Winner

Aquapic Water Museum, Timisoara


Aquapic - Centru Educațional Pentru Copii, Timișoara. Colegiul Naţional Pedagogic 'Carmen Sylva', TImisoara. PATRICIA AHMADI.

Like a mother, Water takes care of all living things on Earth.

Slides: 1 | Age: 6-12 years old

085 2021 MO AMAN B DRAW 03

Identifier: #64

Winner Winner

Museum of Water Civilization in Morocco “Mohammed VI”, Marrakech

The Water We Want

Mohammed VI Museum for the Civilization of Water. School Groupe Scolaire Jacques Majorelle, Marrakech. Lina Zrikem and Yasmine Ouagague.

Our message behind this drawing is a metaphor. Water is represented by a chained woman , condemned by our selfishness and our greed. Water is losing its value because of us and our ignorance. Our water is precious, and so is our earth. When the last drop falls, will we still be able to save it? Let's stop being selfish and start conserving our planet's most valuable resource.

Slides: 1 | Age: 13-18 years old

017 2021 CN BHL B DRAW 04

Identifier: #63

Special Mention Special Mention (with Commendation on “Built Water Heritage”)

Baiheliang Underwater Museum, Chongqing

The Baiheliang

Baiheliang Underwater Museum, Chongqing. No.5 Middle School in Fuling, Chongqing. Xu Ziting/ Class23.

Baiheliang is the first underwater museum, it is the proud of my hometown. It lives in the river, give our memories of the history. We can’t live without water. I love Baiheliag and love the river and water.

Slides: 1 | Age: 13-18 years old

032 2021 IN LWM A DRAW 02

Identifier: #62

Special Mention Special Mention

Living Waters Museum, India

The Water Tanker

LIVING WATERS MUSEUM, INDIA. Kalla Killa Municipal School, Dharavi, Mumbai. Sanjana Harindar Jaiswar, Class 5.

Everyday,there is shortage of water in our area, then the area people ask for water tank, when water tank came in community then there is rush to fill the water with that tanker.I really feel to capture this .That`s why I draw this drawing.

Slides: 1 | Age: 6-12 years old


Identifier: #61

Special Mention Special Mention (with Commendation on “Water Justice”)

EPAL Water Museum, Lisbon


EPAL Water Museum, Lisbon. Agrupamento de Escolas da Bemposta, Portimão. André Correia, 7th Grade.

All actions have consequences and all consequences have their results that will come in due time.

Slides: 1 | Age: 13-18 years old

083 2021 MO AMAN B DRAW 01

Identifier: #60

Special Mention Special Mention

Museum of Water Civilization in Morocco “Mohammed VI”, Marrakech

Planet Water

Mohammed VI Museum for the Civilization of Water. School Massar Al Omam, Marrakech. Hadil Aaddar.

Slides: 1 | Age: 13-18 years old


Identifier: #24

Winner Winner

Aquapic Water Museum, Timisoara

Water is life

Aquapic - Centru Educațional Pentru Copii, Timișoara. Scoala Gimnazială NR 18. MARA BUGAN.

In the video we wanted to talk about water pollution, especially how we can make those around us more responsible with nature.

Age: 6-12 years old

Identifier: #23

Winner Winner

Hydria Water Mediterranean Network, MIO-ECSDE

Are you saving water whilst washing your hands?

HYDRIA / MIO-ECSDE. Cospicua Girls Learning Support Centre Malta. Jasmine Geriwa, Yasmin Micallef.

"When our teacher told us about the project we were very excited and together we decided to produce a video to make our project as interesting as possible, and in order to get us students completely involved and immersed in its production. Together with our teacher we discussed how to do the video. We were only two students, we would be doing the acting while our teacher would be recording the video. The other student also recorded a rap song in our native language, which contained a message promoting saving water, to accompany the video. We now shot the video which showed me leaving the water running whilst washing my hands. The other student comes in and stops me from wasting water, whilst singing the rap song.With the help of our teacher, we used a video editing software to edit and mix the video and the song together. We also decided to insert subtitles in English in order to help non-Maltese speakers to understand the lyrics. Through this video we aim to become an inspiration for others to remember to save water particularly during hand washing."

Age: 13-18 years old

Identifier: #22

Winner Winner

National Water Museum of China, Hangzhou

Protecting Marine Life

National Water Museum of China. Jiaxiang Foreign Language School, Chengdu. Yang Kexin.

The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) reports that the problem of marine debris has seriously polluted the oceans affecting the survival and reproduction of marine life. From this perspective, the 11-year-old author uses stop-motion animation to show a turtle’s happy life and natural reproduction in the sea. After the baby turtle is born, it has successfully escaped the natural enemies but finally gets entangled in the garbage in those beautifully. The sea is polluted by garbage but marine creatures cannot escape their homes! The author hopes this video could increase people’s awareness towards the protection of marine ecology. And it calls action to protect our common blue planet!

Age: 6-12 years old

Identifier: #21

Special Mention Special Mention

EPAL Water Museum, Lisbon

Endless Water

Agrupamento de Escolas Infante D. Pedro, Panela.
3rd - 4th Grade.

“Endless Water” - is what we all hope will happen, even those who don't have a tap where the water gushes. With my video, I try to draw attention to the importance that water has in our lives and how important it is to be aware that it can be depleted. Water is for everyone for everyone and without it, all the Biodiversity on which man depends will be extinguished. We cannot be the plague on our planet.

Age: 13-18 years old

Other Media

019 2021 CN BHL B PHOTO 06

Identifier: #20

Winner Winner

Baiheliang Underwater Museum, Chongqing

Water of life

Baiheliang Underwater Museum, Chongqing. Xiangyuan Primary school in Fuling. Luo Weiliu.

Water is the source of life. Water is everywhere around us, saving water is imperative.

Slides: 1 | Age: 13-18 years old

027 2021 AU DANUBE A PHOTO 02 01

Identifier: #19

Winner Winner

Danube Water-Adventure, Engelhartszell


Danube Water-Adventure, Engelhartszell. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ST. AEGIDI, 3RD CLASS.<

During the competition, we spoke in the class about importance of clean water for all creatures. We focus mostly on fish, who depend mostly on seas and rivers. The children already knew a lot about the pollution of this environment by the trash of humans. We then decided to take a sign against the contamination of our waters by using waste and craft fish out of it. Therefore we used plastic and metal waste, which is a big threat for the fish if it’s thrown away. So instead of wasting it, the children made artworks out of it. All the yoghurt cups, cans and plastic packaging served as a body for the fish. They were glued together and the fins were formed out of wire. After that, everything got wrapped in duct tape and covered in several layers of environmental friendly papier-mâché.It’s only consisted of toilet paper in water. When everything was right, the fish are painted with acrylics. The kids learn that you can reuse trash before and lands in the water. The finished artwork has made the kids very proud and the general thought of upcycling seem to have jumped over!

Slides: 1 | Age: 6-12 years old


Identifier: #18

Special Mention Special Mention

Museos de Mequinenza

Save our rivers

Museo de Mequinenza, Spain. CEIP María Quintana, Mequinenza, 2nd Class.

This photo was taken in the nature. The work seeks to show the river through body expression.

Slides: 1 | Age: 6-12 years old


Identifier: #17

Special Mention Special Mention (with Commendation on “Innovation”)

Paese dell'Acqua / Waterland, Sassinoro

I remember

Paese Dell'Acqua /Waterland, Sassinoro. High School 'Campanella', Belvedere Marittimo, Cosenza. 4M.

"Cik ciak": Drops of water, a precious good "infinite perfume" of "picked roses" essential for life. Our health and the life of the planet depend on water: from west to east water is increasingly powerful ". reducing waste by adopting sustainable environmental behaviors... The refrain takes up the poem of the poet Petrarch: “Clear and fresh sweet waters .. I remember”: Clear and fresh waters, sweet in memory. The unconsciousness of humans who live in the "ephemeral" seek the oasis of "clear blue green water ...", to return "to the life of yesteryear."

Age: 13-18 years old

Autonomous Province of Trento