Winners 3rd Edition



Identifier: #121

Winner Winner

Musée Mohammed VI - Aman, Marrakech


Musée Mohammed VI - Aman, Marrakech. Imam Al Boukhari Qualifying High School, Morocco. Mohamed Bayo.

Slides: 1 | Age: 13-18 years old


Identifier: #95

Winner Winner

Living Waters Museum

The Rainbow Farm

Living Waters Museum. Manthan Educational Programme Society, India and aProCh. Ayaan Jariwala/ 4.

The drawing is a reflection of colours in the farm which are brought through sustainable practices and constant irrigation facilities in the villages of India. The story of life on the farm and its rich biodiversity has also been displayed through the drawing. The drawing depicts the importance of dams, the canals which have reached the interior villages and the rivers which bring minerals and life to the crops and the produce. The waters from the rivers truly bring ‘rainbows’ to the farms and people’s lives.

Slides: 1 | Age: 6-12 years old


Identifier: #106

Special Mention Special Mention (with Commendation on “The Future of Water”)

National Water Museum of China

The Water Shop

National Water Museum of China. Hangzhou Chovan Century City Experimental School, China. Tong Zeping.

In the future, water will become the most precious thing on earth. Humans live under the management of robots that do not need water. Due to lack of water, the whole earth has become desert. This is a shop selling water. Not only does it cost ten dollars for every drop of water, but a person can only buy ten milliliters at most. If we do not save water and continue to waste water resources, this is likely to be our future life. Therefore, please cherish every drop of water, protect ourselves and protect nature!

Slides: 1 | Age: 6-12 years old


Identifier: #103

Special Mention Special Mention (with Commendation on “The Future of Water”)

Museu da Água Lisboa

Savings Are Essential for Water Sustainability

EPAL Water Museum Lisbon. Academia de Música Costa Cabral, Porto, Portugal. Bernardo Macedo.

This Drawing represents the importance of saving water by using a comparison with saving money. People value money a lot, but they should value water equally (or even more), in particularly drinking water!

Slides: 1 | Age: 6-12 years old


Identifier: #102

Special Mention Special Mention (with Commendation on “The Future of Water”)

Museu da Água Lisboa

The Monster inside

EPAL Water Museum Lisbon. Escola Básica e Secundária Alfredo da Silva, Sintra, Portugal. Mana Haghighi.

The Monster of the desert is devouring his way through Earth. This monster has been created because of our lack of attention. Every human being that is not taking care of the Earth is a monster to our Planet. Protect our water sources.

Slides: 1 | Age: 6-12 years old


Identifier: #84

Special Mention Special Mention

The Netherlands
Biesbosch MuseumEiland


Biesbosch MuseumEiland Werkendam. Mgr. Frencken College, Oosterhout (NB), Netherlands. Myrthe Rombouts-4VK.

There are many problems in the world, such as water shortage, but also floods. The climate is changing. Now we have to act! I have tried to draw attention to the problem of water pollution. I made a globe that falls apart. And a tap where no water comes out anymore. This is how my work of art came about.

Slides: 1 | Age: 13-18 years old



Identifier: #137

Winner Winner

Leonida Trutà Water Museum Cluj-Napoca Romania

The Village Fountain

Leonida Trutà Water Museum, Cluj-Napoca. "Alexandru Borza" Technological High School, Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Denisa Mihaela Filip.

The village fountain, the place where our grandparents and great-grandparents met most of the time when they went with the animals to water. The place where children drink ice-cold water on hot days and cool off, the meeting place of the young people of the village who courted and made plans for the future together. The fountain has remained in everyone's memory as a well-deserved resting place that brings everyone the reward it deserves. The village changed at the same time as the fountain. It is now used as a source of water for humans due to its purity. Nothing compares to the natural water that comes from mother nature on a sunny summer day. I wish my future children could enjoy this fountain, as so many generations in a row have enjoyed. Even if to some it seems like nothing at all, for us, those who understand the purity and joy of small things, it means a lot. The fountain, the place with memories of generations.

Slides: 1 | Age: 13-18 years old


Identifier: #131

Winner Winner

AQUATIKA – Freshwater Aquarium, Karlovac

Past and Present on the River

Aquatika – Freshwater Aquarium Karlovac. Primary School Mahično, Karlovac, Croatia. Fran Sušilović.

"I talked about life on the river Kupa with my grandmother who grew up on the river. The river used to mean a lot to them. Everything they did was related to the river. They did her laundry, they watered cattle, soaked hemp and flax from which they wove cloth for clothing and folk costumes. Across the river they crossed to the other shore in a boat, which they called a “čun”. In the summer they bathed and refreshed after hard work in the field. To me, a little boy, the river is very dear, I love it. I find shells in it, I like to go swimming in the summer. In the spring, it is best to walk along the river and throw pebbles deep into the water. By the river, always on the shore I find springs and other colorful tubes. We are very happy to live near the river."

Slides: 1 | Age: 6-12 years old


Identifier: #133

Special Mention Special Mention (with Commendation on “Waterscapes”)

Museos de Mequinenza

Down by the Riverside

Museos de Mequinenza. Centro de FP 'Santa Agatoclia', Mequinenza, Spain. Ana Mendoza Sueiro.

My project aims to highlight the beauty and importance of the riparian woodlands, which is a vital part of the water ecosystem. They are rich in biodiversity and also provide defense against flooding. They are also artistic places, where we can appreciate the force of water (old trunk), the passage of time (with the spring flowers) and the changes of nature.

Slides: 1 | Age: 13-18 years old

Other Media


Identifier: #32

Winner Winner

Museu da Água Lisboa

Plastic by Plastic, We Clean the Water of the River!

EPAL Water Museum Lisbon. Academia de Música Costa Cabral, Porto, Portugal. Carlota Caires, Mª Clara Lourenço, Sara Trindade.

This animation aims to make us think about the impact of fresh water pollution and to assign to each one of us the responsibility of maintaining rivers and lakes pollution free. This action intends to promote the presentation of fantastic biodiversity of these ecosystems.

Age: 6-12 years old


Identifier: #23

Winner Winner

Museum of River Navigation Battaglia Terme (Italy)

Venice Is a Fish

River Navigation Museum of Battaglia Terme. Secondary school ITCS "Maria Lazzari" of Dolo, Italy. 4^D.

We created a video that compares two realities: the first one shows a polluted, busy, noisy and dirty area; the second one presents a clean and quiet area with natural colours, where the human footprint does not affect the environment. We propose this video in order to invite visitors to explore a path in an area that is neither crowded nor polluted. A peaceful and pleasant place! As for food, let’s dive into the typical Venetian Happy Hour with Cicchetti & Spritz. So, watch our video and…don’t underestimate seaguils!

Age: 13-18 years old


Identifier: #33

Special Mention Special Mention (with Commendation on “Reinterpreting Song Heritage”)

Museu da Água Lisboa

Azulinha (The little blue drop)

EPAL Water Museum Lisbon. CED Nossa Senhora da Conceição, Casa Pia de Lisboa, Portugal. 2nd Grade.

The video is a song that tells the story of a drop of water called “Azulinha”. During the song “Azulinha” explains that she has decided to travel the world, the water cycle is implicit in the whole song. On her way around the world, “Azulinha” encounters several dangers and to face these dangers, she had the help of children, who, better than anyone, know how to care of our planet’s water. The song is a traditional Portuguese song know as “As pombinhas da Catrina” with lyrics adapted to the theme of the contest.

Age: 6-12 years old


Identifier: #31

Special Mention Special Mention (with Commendation on “Intangible River Heritage”)

Living Waters Museum

Nodir Kul Naai- The Endless River

Living Waters Museum. DPS Howrah. 4-5-7 Aritri Bhunia, Rupkatha Roy, Eshna Dutta, Priyanjali Polley, Debdutta Ghosh, Supriti Ghosh, Ayushi Mondal, Deekshaa Gupta, Barnak Ghosh

Tis is a Bengali Folk Song of the Bhatiyali Genre also knwn as the boatmen songs.. "For men may come and men may go, I go on forever” Our Sail meanders and is guided by the ebb and flow in the greeat river of faith. However far we may drift yet we are insignificant in front of the unfathomable. Far far from the time unknown humans have tried to master the river, in search of civilization. Yet like our desires the journey a mock. The river remains unquenched.

Age: 6-12 years old

Autonomous Province of Trento