Winners 4th Edition



Identifier: #202

Winner Winner

Water Museum “Leonida Truta”, Cluj-Napoca

Water - The Source of Life

"Pavel Dan" Theoretical High School, Campia Turzii, Romania. Kiraly Antonia.

Water, both for humans and for all other living things on the planet, is a resource without which life would not be possible. We cannot express in words what the planet would look like it there was no water, and this drawing shows in small lines the beauty existing on Earth. Because of water, and also how a "drop" of water can save many lives, although people remain expressionless in front of the gifts that water continues to give to the earth. The drop of water around our planet present in the drawing represents the protection and care that water offers us, surrounding the earth as a kind of protective layer, which does not let the earth perish with the passage of time. Fir trees suggest the true beauty of nature, which is vividly colored in shades of green, a special beauty that could not be present if water did not help nature. The tap presents a source of water that feeds all the gifts of nature and not just human needs, being a "spring" interprted in the form of power source present in the homes of all people, highlighting the fact that life on Earth exists because of water, because water is the source of life, and a a drop of water can make the difference between life and death.

Slides: 1 | Age: 13-18 years old


Identifier: #167

Winner Winner

Yellow River Museum

Cherish the Source of Life

Huayuankou Primary School, Zhengzhou, China. Guo Yufei.

The freshwater resources on Earth have been depleted, and many animals are on the brink of extinction. But if we can’t realize it, people will be heading towards extinction in the near future. As a good girl in the new era, I pick up a paintbrush and call on people in my way to protect the Earth, protect freshwater resources, and protect all living things on Earth. We are the masters of the Earth and the hope for the future. Let's work hand in hand to create a beautiful home, protect the source of life with love, and protect our beautiful home with love! Live a happy and joyful life from now on.

Slides: 1 | Age: 6-12 years old


Identifier: #206

Special Mention Special Mention (with Commendation on “The Value of Water”)

Musée Mohammed VI - Aman, Marrakech

We Never Know the Worth of the Water till the Well is Dry

Les Iris, Marrakech, Morocco. Firdaous Ouzzat.

We presented three charts that demonstrate the vital importance of water in the world. These charts aim to raise awareness among humans about the need to avoid wasting this precious resource, which is at the core of the universe. Furthermore, these charts highlight the suffering and challenges that some countries face due to the lack of water, underscoring the urgency of taking action to preserve this vital resource for humanity.

Slides: 1 | Age: 6-12 years old


Identifier: #177

Special Mention Special Mention (with Commendation on “The Water WeWant”)

House of Water Museum, România

The Fairy of the Waters

National College "Mihai Eminescu", Targu Mures, Romania. Crisan Nicoleta.

"Știma" is a fairy from the Romanian tradition. They live only in clean waters. It has the role of guarding the rivers. If the waters are polluted, the "știmele" (the fairies) die. It needs clear, clean and unpolluted waters. They need time to regain the power to guard the waters. Keep the rivers clean! "Știmele" (the faries) defend the rivers from all that is evil.

Slides: 1 | Age: 13-18 years old


Identifier: #173

Special Mention Special Mention (with Commendation on “The Human-Water Connection”)

National Water Museum of China

Search for Fish

Hangzhou Chovan Century City Experimental School, Hangzhou, China. Zhao Yian.

Two young girls boarded a boat sailing along the Yangtze River, preparing to search for the critically endangered Chinese sturgeon and baiji dolphin. During their search, they unexpectedly found a lot of garbage in the river, which was turbid. They did not find any cChinese sturgeon or baiji dolphin, and almost all other types of fish had disappeared. There are two Chinese sturgeons and whitefin dophins made of garbage in the picture, warning people that if water resources are not well protected, these endangered species will truly become extinct. Let's work together to protect water resources and biodiversity.

Slides: 1 | Age: 6-12 years old


Identifier: #164

Special Mention Special Mention (with Commendation on “Water Is Life”)

Living Waters Museum, India

Precious Wonders Of Fresh Water

Bidya Bharati Girls High School, Kolkata, India. Shreshtha Halder.

Fresh water is a renewable and variable but finite natural resource. Without 'Fresh Water', life on Earth would be impossible. All kinds of living beings depend on freshwater for their survival. In this painting of mine, I have represented how freshwater is consumed by different species of living beings on a daily basis. In the upper middle portion of the page, I painted a waterfall which is one of the main sources of freshwater. The water from the waterfall is collected by a pair of hands which represents that freshwater should be stored and used. In the lower middle portion of the page, I painted a sprinkler which is showering freshwater on a green field for the purpose of irrigation. Irrigation is the most important part of agriculture. Without fresh water, plants and crops cannot survive. On the right side of the page, I painted a kid drinking water from a tap with a scenery of the sunset behind. This shows that at the end of the day, freshwater is the only path of existence for human beings. Besides human beings and plants, freshwater is also essential for survival of many living creatures like fish, ducks and swans. This I showed on the left side of the page by painting swans swimming on a freshwater lake. The ultimate reason behind the beauty of Mother Earth is freshwater. Without freshwater, Earth won't look different from other life-less planets.

Slides: 1 | Age: 13-18 years old


Identifier: #157

Special Mention Special Mention (with Commendation on “Water Is Life”)

Albear Aqueduct Museum / National Institute of Hydraulic Resources (IRNH)

Tesoro Azul / Blue Treasure

José Martí, Villa Clara (Quemado de Güines), Cuba. Kelly Medina.

Splendid use of color supporting the forms and their value. Proposal loaded with a special
meaning. The adequate and rational use of water in a spring environment. It perfectly chains the benefit that represents that the flora is dazzling so that, in this case, the bees release the nectar of the flowers to produce honey, which also contributes to the preservation of human health. The value of water is truly incalculable, infinite, since life does not exist without it and there is no substitute for it.

Slides: 1 | Age: 6-12 years old


Identifier: #154

Special Mention Special Mention (with Commendation on “Protecting Biodiversity”)

Baiheliang Underwater Museum, Chongqing

Joy of Fish

Chang Yin Art School Fuling, Chongqing, China. KeXin Xu.

Harmony between man and nature.

Slides: 1 | Age: 6-12 years old


Identifier: #34

Winner Winner

Water Museum of Venice/Consiglio di Bacino 'Laguna di Venezia'

Water to Save? Let's Do It at School!

Primary School Dante Alighieri, Mogliano Veneto, Italy. Class 5B.

The 5B class of Dante Alighieri primary school in Mogliano Veneto recently participated in an educational project aimed at raising awareness among students about the importance of preserving water as a vital and sustainable resource for our planet. Through assignments and group work, the class learned how often drinking water is wasted and how water scarcity is becoming an increasingly significant problem worldwide. For this reason, the students studied the importance of collecting and reusing rainwater for daily activities that do not require the use of drinking water. To demonstrate what they had learned, divided into five groups, they collaborated to create a model that showed their own school with a green roof system, which not only could cool the indoor environments and filter the air but above all collect rainwater and transport it through
pipelines to the school's bathrooms, garden and external taps to provide water for cleaning the school. The video shows the design and construction process of the model, highlighting the importance of more responsible behavior towards water usage and the environment. Thanks to this project, students have acquired new knowledge and skills that can be used in daily life to contribute to preserving the environment and natural resources.

Age: 6-12 years old

Identifier: #28

Winner Winner

National Water Museum of China

Tears of Water

Zhejiang Medical Technology School, Hangzhou, China. Yu Binbin.

Human destruction and unreasonable exploitation have lead to deforestation. They are the cause of soil erosion and frequent floods and inundation. Drying-up of rivers and lakes, ground subsidence caused by excessive groundwater exploitation, and frequent extreme weather related to global warming have huge impacts on human life. In this animated video clip, I use traditional Chinese calligraphy techniques to symbolize different water crises we are facing, to arouse people's awareness toward the true value of water resources and ask people to cherish the moment.

Age: 13-18 years old

Identifier: #36

Special Mention Special Mention (with Commendation on “Preventing Water Pollution”)

Water Museum “Leonida Truta”, Cluj-Napoca

Another Water Story

"Ion Creanga" Gymnasium School, Cluj, Romania. Class 7E.

Our project titled "Another Water Story" was created with the hopes of raising awareness about water. We developed everything like a story because children love stories, and they tend to pay attention to what they love. Children have the opportunity to learn important elements related to water – water resources, water's role in the past, and how to protect water against degradation and depletion. Our humanity's intervention to water's health.

Age: 13-18 years old

Identifier: #30

Special Mention Special Mention (with Commendation on “The Future of Water”)

Lisbon Water Museum

Astro- “Mission 360º – Healthy Planet – ODS 12”

CED Nossa Senhora da Conceição (Casa Pia), Lisbon, Portugal. 3rd Grade.

The film tells the story of two astronauts who lived on a planet similar to Earth whose
inhabitants got out of control in the excessive production of garbage and ended up destroying their planet through total drought. After managing to escape, they landed on our planet but soon realized that, if they didn’t take any action, the exact same thing would happen – no water and total destruction! So they began a mission to help people of planet Earth realize that their actions are reflected in the well-being of all of us, teaching them to recycle garbage and keep our waters as cleans as possible!

Age: 6-12 years old

Identifier: #29

Special Mention Special Mention (with Commendation on “Preventing Water Pollution”)

Posavje Museum Brežice

A Long Drawing on Water / Dolga Risba na Vodi

Gymnasium Brezice, Brezice, Slovenia. Class 1C.

We took clear plastic bags on roll and drew or wrote on them with marker what water means to us or what we want it to be. Into the bag we inserted a figurine of a plant, animal, or garbage, poured water from the tap and tied them if possible. Above the sink we photographed all the 24 art objects one after the other. We have collectively created a captured water drawing of fear, worry, and desire on fresh water, each hour of our 24 hours of time with the drawing-bag.

Age: 13-18 years old

Other Media


Identifier: #48

Winner Winner

Living Waters Museum, India

Save the Rivers

Indus Valley World School, Kolkata, India. Adreet Roy, Aarish Mukherjee, Aarshi Pal, Khushima Saha.

For centuries, our rivers have been our main source of sustenance. Civilizations have grown and flourished, because of rivers. In our country, India, we are blessed with innumerable rivers that have been the cornerstone of our growth. Rivers have fed thirsty crops, they have been home to exquisite species of flora and fauna. We have thrived because our rivers are our backbone. However, we humans have abused and polluted our rivers over the years. It is time for us to come together and sound a clarion call to save our rivers from extinction. We as the future citizens of India, have to be the torch bearers of this mission. We need to understand the power that resides within each one of us to be able to make a differease. We will SAVE OUR RIVERS as WATER IS LIFE!

Age: 6-12 years old

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Identifier: #46

Winner Winner

Paesi dell'Acqua

Looking for Myself

I.I.S.S. Enrico Giannelli, Parabita (LE), Italy. Classroom 3A.

download file

A little basin, with some rain water and some leaves, acts like a mirror for a young and curious human girl. The water reflects her, and she looks in there for past, present, and above all future.

Slides: 1 | Age: 13-18 years old


Identifier: #54

Special Mention Special Mention (with Commendation on “The Future of Water”)

House of Water Museum, România

The Connection Between Man and Nature

Secondary School, Hodac, Romania. Moisin Raluca.

There is a very close relationship between humans and nature, but people are slowly starting to break this connection through the pollution they create. This little dress is made as a symbol for the connection between humans and nature to remain alive. The dress is made from a trash bag found on the banks of the Gurghiu River and also some leaves found along the river bank. As an accessory, it has a bracelet made from glass bottle caps, also found on the river bank. The photo was taken on the right bank of the Gurghiu River, in Mures county. In this area, even though the water may appear clean, it is actually polluted by the plastic bottles and waste from nearby animal farms. However, compared to other places, the Gurghiu River remains relatively clean because the town halls of Ibanesti and Hodac fine people who pollute and hold them responsible for protecting the water. Through this photograph, I hope to draw people's attention to the fact that the connection between them and nature is very important. My message to the public is to pollute as little as possible in order to have cleaner water and try to recycle, just as I have done!

Slides: 1 | Age: 13-18 years old

Autonomous Province of Trento