The Water We Want 2022 - Drawings
![018 MO AMAN B DRAW 01](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/018-MO-AMAN_B-DRAW_01__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #121
Musée Mohammed VI - Aman, Marrakech
Musée Mohammed VI - Aman, Marrakech. Imam Al Boukhari Qualifying High School, Morocco. Mohamed Bayo.
![010 IN LIVING A DRAW 01](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/010-IN-LIVING_A-DRAW_01__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #95
Living Waters Museum
The Rainbow Farm
Living Waters Museum. Manthan Educational Programme Society, India and aProCh. Ayaan Jariwala/ 4.
The drawing is a reflection of colours in the farm which are brought through sustainable practices and constant irrigation facilities in the villages of India. The story of life on the farm and its rich biodiversity has also been displayed through the drawing. The drawing depicts the importance of dams, the canals which have reached the interior villages and the rivers which bring minerals and life to the crops and the produce. The waters from the rivers truly bring ‘rainbows’ to the farms and people’s lives.
![014 CN NWMC A DRAW 02](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/014-CN-NWMC_A-DRAW_02__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #106
Special Mention
(with Commendation on “The Future of Water”)
National Water Museum of China
The Water Shop
National Water Museum of China. Hangzhou Chovan Century City Experimental School, China. Tong Zeping.
In the future, water will become the most precious thing on earth. Humans live under the management of robots that do not need water. Due to lack of water, the whole earth has become desert. This is a shop selling water. Not only does it cost ten dollars for every drop of water, but a person can only buy ten milliliters at most. If we do not save water and continue to waste water resources, this is likely to be our future life. Therefore, please cherish every drop of water, protect ourselves and protect nature!
![013 PT AGUA A DRAW 03](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/013-PT-AGUA_A-DRAW_03__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #103
Special Mention
(with Commendation on “The Future of Water”)
Museu da Água Lisboa
Savings Are Essential for Water Sustainability
EPAL Water Museum Lisbon. Academia de Música Costa Cabral, Porto, Portugal. Bernardo Macedo.
This Drawing represents the importance of saving water by using a comparison with saving money. People value money a lot, but they should value water equally (or even more), in particularly drinking water!
![013 PT AGUA A DRAW 02](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/013-PT-AGUA_A-DRAW_02__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #102
Special Mention
(with Commendation on “The Future of Water”)
Museu da Água Lisboa
The Monster inside
EPAL Water Museum Lisbon. Escola Básica e Secundária Alfredo da Silva, Sintra, Portugal. Mana Haghighi.
The Monster of the desert is devouring his way through Earth. This monster has been created because of our lack of attention. Every human being that is not taking care of the Earth is a monster to our Planet. Protect our water sources.
![005 NL B BOSCH B DRAW 04](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/005-NL-B-BOSCH_B-DRAW_04__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #84
Special Mention
The Netherlands
Biesbosch MuseumEiland
Biesbosch MuseumEiland Werkendam. Mgr. Frencken College, Oosterhout (NB), Netherlands. Myrthe Rombouts-4VK.
There are many problems in the world, such as water shortage, but also floods. The climate is changing. Now we have to act! I have tried to draw attention to the problem of water pollution. I made a globe that falls apart. And a tap where no water comes out anymore. This is how my work of art came about.
![020 MY ADV B DRAW 04](/assets/Uploads/020-MY-ADV_B-DRAW_04__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #142
WAMU-NET Advisory Committee
Clean Water
WAMU-NET Advisory Committee. SMK Medamit, Sarawak, Malaysia. Vincent Wong Chen Hock.
Clean water is needed by all of us for a healthy life. Clean water is one of the types of water-based resources that are of good quality and commonly used by humans for consumption or in carrying out their daily activities, including sanitation. For drinking water consumption according to the health department, the requirements of drinking water are tasteless, odourless, colourless, and do not contain heavy metals. Although water from natural sources can be drunk by humans, there is a risk that this water has been contaminated by bacteria. So, we as human beings need to take care of water so that our next generation can use clean water.
![020 MY ADV B DRAW 02](/assets/Uploads/020-MY-ADV_B-DRAW_02__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #141
WAMU-NET Advisory Committee
Water in the world
WAMU-NET Advisory Committee. SMK Medamit, Sarawak, Malaysia. Danny David.
Water in the Malay language is called Air. Clean water is an important element for all of us in the world. Without clean water, there is no longer a life to live in peace because everyone is in a state of anxiety. Without clean water, we would not have a healthy life and it will cause many diseases around us. Therefore, we need to take care of the water around us so that future generations can enjoy clean water.
![020 MY ADV B DRAW 01](/assets/Uploads/020-MY-ADV_B-DRAW_01__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #140
WAMU-NET Advisory Committee
Water in Hand
WAMU-NET Advisory Committee. SMK Medamit, Sarawak, Malaysia. Avennia Natasha Anak Dosis.
Clean water is hard to find now because it has been polluted by humans every day. The water in our hands is water that will be used every day for a variety of uses. Even a drop of water is very useful to all of us. Without clean water, there is no health for us! Therefore, taking care of water means directly taking care of our life!
![019 IN RAJA B DRAW 06](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/019-IN-RAJA_B-DRAW_06__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #130
Water Museum of Udaipur, Rajasthan, India
Save Water
Water Museum of Udaipur, Rajasthan. Sunbeam Lahartara, Varanasi, India. Armaan Ahmad.
It is a simple terms but have a big impact on us. Every year specially in summers we face a huge scarcity of water. We say save water do we mean it? Not exactly. About 250 – 575 liters of water being wasted every day from that 0.5% of fresh and drinkable water. Many of the countries faced and are facing drought in this summer. Peoples are running here to there for water. That one minute of letting open the tap while brushing can complete the thrust of a person. In this Summer the water scarcity rate has gone on a high level. We can create awareness for the same but again only we ourselves have to implement it. Some water harvesting techniques can be introduced for harvesting the rain water, reserving water at small area for everyone’s use, water tankers in every area, underground tanks etc. can be used. I have created this poster keeping in mind the main theme save water, a digital poster creating awareness for saving water with a slogan and important elements visualizing the written text.
![019 IN RAJA B DRAW 04](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/019-IN-RAJA_B-DRAW_04__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpeg)
Identifier: #129
Water Museum of Udaipur, Rajasthan, India
No Blue, No Green!
Water Museum of Udaipur, Rajasthan. Sunbeam Lahartara, Varanasi, India. Richa Bhattacharya.
People fail to understand the value of this liquid. The liquid which makes life possible on planet Earth. Since majority of them get water easily in their locality, they tend to take it for granted which eventually leads to wastage. Water should be priced much higher than oil, which would lead the people to realize the value of water and eventually, life. Afterall, if there is no Blue.. there won't be rather any green on this planet earth!
![019 IN RAJA B DRAW 03](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/019-IN-RAJA_B-DRAW_03__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpeg)
Identifier: #128
Water Museum of Udaipur, Rajasthan, India
Desert Life
Water Museum of Udaipur, Rajasthan. Sunbeam Lahartara, Varanasi, India. Mugdha Jain.
A world without water is neither imaginable nor acceptable. Think of a desert life where proper vegetation is rarely found. Only cactus or thorny shrubs are available. Mostly barren land is found. People of the land are found to be deprived of agricultural benefit – be it crops, fruits, flowers. Life of these people also becomes miserable due to the extreme scarcity of water and weather condition.
![019 IN RAJA B DRAW 02](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/019-IN-RAJA_B-DRAW_02__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpeg)
Identifier: #127
Water Museum of Udaipur, Rajasthan, India
Ground Zero
Water Museum of Udaipur, Rajasthan. Sunbeam Lahartara, Varanasi, India. Jatin Arun.
People, today, are not taking efforts because water is available now in such quantity which is JUST sufficient to fulfill their needs, but having seen this they are treating it as the lowest valued commodity while it should have been treated as a luxury. We have to step out of our comfort zones and SAVE WATER. We ourselves need to be at ground zero and start saving this precious lifeline of every possible creature on this planet.
![019 IN RAJA A DRAW 01](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/019-IN-RAJA_A-DRAW_01__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpeg)
Identifier: #126
Water Museum of Udaipur, Rajasthan, India
Every Drop Counts
Water Museum of Udaipur, Rajasthan. Sunbeam Lahartara, Varanasi, India. Diva Shah.
We live in a world today that does not even realize that they are maybe having some of the very precious drops which in coming days will cause riots, deaths, catastrophe and what not. They are unable to wrap this fact around their head that every single drop being wasted today is a cause of a death tomorrow…
![018 MO AMAN B DRAW 06](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/018-MO-AMAN_B-DRAW_06__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #125
Musée Mohammed VI - Aman, Marrakech
Nature's Daughter
Musée Mohammed VI - Aman, Marrakech, Morocco. Salma.
"Nature's daughter" is an art piece that represents creatures and their requirement for water. Since water is so plentiful on earth we couldn't have cared less where to find it more often than not. Yet over the long haul, water gets increasingly more significantly perceptible, climate change , pollution and different peculiarities impacted nature. So will people at any point notice this distinction before it's past the point of no return? Or will they keep continuously questioning about the changes in the climate, trying to run away from the responsibility of caring?
![018 MO AMAN A DRAW 05](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/018-MO-AMAN_A-DRAW_05__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.png)
Identifier: #124
Musée Mohammed VI - Aman, Marrakech
Musée Mohammed VI - Aman, Marrakech. Targa à Marrakech, Morocco. Chada Ellabib.
![018 MO AMAN A DRAW 04](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/018-MO-AMAN_A-DRAW_04__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #123
Musée Mohammed VI - Aman, Marrakech
The Last Drop at the Tap
Musée Mohammed VI - Aman, Marrakech. L'Atelier des Anges, Marrakech, Morocco.
It is a work called «The Last Drop at the Tap» carried out by the Angels of the crib L'Atelier des Anges which represents the harmony between water, earth and greenery. The colours, the mixture of the latter, the stains of the brushes were made by our little ones. A free work framed to value the importance of water for our planet. The last drop at the tap..." Water is gold, take good care of it. It’s a treasure in your hands. The gardener will weep for his flowers when they fade, he’ll think he’ll regret them. Take care it’s a treasure."
![018 MO AMAN A DRAW 02](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/018-MO-AMAN_A-DRAW_02__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.png)
Identifier: #122
Musée Mohammed VI - Aman, Marrakech
Musée Mohammed VI - Aman, Marrakech, Morocco. Fatima Zahra Lamsak.
![017 CN YR A DRAW 06](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/017-CN-YR_A-DRAW_06__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #120
Yellow River Museum, China
Conservation of Biodiversity
Yellow River Museum, Zhengzhou. Huayuankou Primary School, Zhengzhou, China. Li Manming.
In my painting, I draw plants and animals like birds, fish, mammals, etc.. There are creatures in every corner of the world, no matter we can see or not. They are living in the forest or in the sea, influencing and depending on each other. However, some creatures have become extinct, and we need to protect the homes of animals and plants together. One hand in the picture holds up a green mountain, which means the protection of nature requires effort of each of us. Protecting biodiversity is everyone's responsibility. Only in this way can man and nature live in harmony.
![017 CN YR A DRAW 05](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/017-CN-YR_A-DRAW_05__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #119
Yellow River Museum, China
Falling Apart
Yellow River Museum, Zhengzhou. Zhengzhou Chenzhong Experimental School, Zhengzhou, China. Zhou Yuluo.
The inspiration of my work is: when humans are thirsty, the earth selflessly provides water for us, but what if the earth becomes thirsty several years later? Is water inexhaustible? The answer is a definite “no” . Although 70.8% of the earth is covered by water, 97.55% of it is from sea, which can neither be directly drunk nor used for irrigation. Of the remaining 2.5% of fresh water, less than 1% of it can be used by humans. Indeed, from the emergence of primitive life on earth to now, water has been serving life and never stopping. But I wonder if you have ever thought: the tolerance of water is not unlimited. Today water resources are in short supply! There are mainly two reasons for this: first, the earth is short of water by nature; Second, humans’ destruction. We can't blame the earth for its lack of water, on the contrary, we should thank it for creating a beautiful home for us. So let's save water in daily life and call on the people around us to cherish and love water together!
![017 CN YR A DRAW 04](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/017-CN-YR_A-DRAW_04__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #118
Yellow River Museum, China
Two Different Worlds
Yellow River Museum, Zhengzhou. Zhengzhou Chenzhong Experimental School, Zhengzhou, China. Chen Yingxi.
This work is a comparison between the presence and absence of water. The world with water resources (upper part of the picture), people live happy lives in it; the world without water (lower part of the picture), people can’t survive in it. The world is very beautiful with water. The picture wants to tell people to save water.
![017 CN YR A DRAW 03](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/017-CN-YR_A-DRAW_03__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #117
Yellow River Museum, China
Broken Beauty
Yellow River Museum, Zhengzhou. No. 2 Primary School of Wenhua Road; Zhengzhou, China. Zhang Birong.
The main inspiration of my painting is the withered leaves shrivelling up in a vase from lack of water. It indicates that human beings are extravagant and wasteful on water use, for which the ground becomes dry and cracked, magma flows out and the Earth burns fiercely. In return human beings are punished. The "whale" is redeeming the world. This painting calls upon everyone to save on water.
![017 CN YR A DRAW 02 v2](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/017-CN-YR_A-DRAW_02-v2__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #116
Yellow River Museum, China
Water – the Source of Life
Yellow River Museum, Zhengzhou. No. 2 Primary School of Wenhua Road; Zhengzhou, China. Liu Yiyang.
Water is the source of life, without water, there will be no green world; without water, there will be no beautiful clouds in the sky. Everything will lose life without water. If we save a drop of water every day, it can bring a tree, a person, an elephant back to life and even save our earth. Please fasten the tap in time and cherish every drop of water in our life! Protecting water resources needs everyone to join together.
![017 CN YR A DRAW 01](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/017-CN-YR_A-DRAW_01__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #115
Yellow River Museum, China
The Charm of Water
Yellow River Museum, Zhengzhou. Zhongxin Road Primary School, Zhengzhou, China. Pan Zhaoyuan.
Water gives birth to life; Water nourishes the universe. The Yellow River culture is an important part of Chinese civilization, it is the root and soul of the Chinese nation. “Root” means Chinese culture originates from the Yellow River culture, and “soul” means the core and values of Chinese civilization are derived from the same origin with those of the Yellow River culture. Li Bing built (in charge of) the Dujiangyan Water Project (starting around 256 B.C.), the project benefited surroundings and created a “Heavenly Land of Plenty". The Grand Canal (built in 486 B.C.), through which enormous vessels with passengers and cargoes go back and forth from Beijing to Hangzhou. The collapse of the Antarctic ice shelf and destruction of beautiful homes has left penguins nowhere to settle, which has set alarm bells ringing to human beings. This work reminds mankind to protect our freshwater resources by portraying the magnificent water heritage and the reality of global warming!
![016 IT WAMUVE A DRAW 05](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/016-IT-WAMUVE_A-DRAW_05__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #114
Water Museum of Venice
Water of Life
Water Museum of Venice. Primary School “G. Leopardi” of Campagna Lupia, Italy. 2^A and 2^B.
Our thoughts about water are linked to everyday life and to what happens every day in our homes. All of us, young and old, need water to live. Water is fundamental and necessary for human beings and it is essential for plants and animals subsistence. Thanks to water, wonderful colorful flowers bloom on the green meadows, all animal species breed and populate the Earth. In the rivers, flowing water tells the story of the planet: it reminds us of the past, it gives us the present and, if we learn to respect and care for it will be our future! Thanks water!
![015 PT PORTO B DRAW 06](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/015-PT-PORTO_B-DRAW_06__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #113
Parque patrimonial das Águas - Porto
Tear Drop from the Sky
Parque Patrimonial das Águas, Porto. Escola Aurélia de Sousa, Porto, Portugal. Aurélia.
Can we stop this situation on a Earth even more dry, where our rivers are drying and our sky too?
![015 PT PORTO B DRAW 05](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/015-PT-PORTO_B-DRAW_05__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #112
Parque patrimonial das Águas - Porto
Just in between Two Worlds
Parque Patrimonial das Águas, Porto. Escola Aurélia de Sousa, Porto, Portugal. Pedro Martins.
In a world made of extremes, can we help each other transforming deserts and flood places into normal, is it possible to human kind to end with these two extreme situations?
![015 PT PORTO B DRAW 04](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/015-PT-PORTO_B-DRAW_04__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #111
Parque patrimonial das Águas - Porto
A Whale Invading Our Rivers Full of Trashy Plastics
Parque Patrimonial das Águas, Porto. Escola Aurélia de Sousa, Porto, Portugal. Gonçalo Soares.
The wales are invading our rivers just to escape to the pollution, not expelling water anymore but plastics.
![015 PT PORTO B DRAW 03](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/015-PT-PORTO_B-DRAW_03__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #110
Parque patrimonial das Águas - Porto
The World as a whole Desert
Parque Patrimonial das Águas, Porto. Escola Aurélia de Sousa, Porto, Portugal. Bárbara Pedro.
With all the climate changes current rivers could simply disappear as we know them, giving place to unbearable fields of deserts.
![015 PT PORTO A DRAW 02](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/015-PT-PORTO_A-DRAW_02__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #109
Parque patrimonial das Águas - Porto
Blue Rivers on a True Blue Earth
Parque Patrimonial das Águas, Porto. Escola Aurélia de Sousa, Porto, Portugal. Álvaro.
The rivers wide network must be preserved just to permit us to live in a true blue and healthy planet.
![015 PT PORTO A DRAW 01](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/015-PT-PORTO_A-DRAW_01__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #108
Parque patrimonial das Águas - Porto
Poor Little Bear
Parque Patrimonial das Águas, Porto. Escola Aurélia de Sousa, Porto, Portugal. José Pereira.
Based on the actual climate changes the ice is cracking and melting down. Can we save the poor little bear?
![014 CN NWMC B DRAW 05](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/014-CN-NWMC_B-DRAW_05__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #107
National Water Museum of China
The Weeping Hourglass
National Water Museum of China. Xiaoshan No.2 Vocational School Hangzhou, China. Xu Bo.
The hourglass is the subject of this painting. While normal hourglasses measure the loss of time, the hourglass in this painting gauges the loss of water. The gradual dripping away of water reminds us that water resources will diminish if we do not protect and cherish them. The fish at one side of the hourglass symbolizes human being who can not live without water. We should spare no time in protecting this precious and indispensable resource - water!
![014 CN NWMC A DRAW 01](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/014-CN-NWMC_A-DRAW_01__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #105
National Water Museum of China
When History Meets Future
National Water Museum of China. Hangzhou Chovan Century City Experimental School, China. Yang Yaqi.
The Grand Canal of China was inscribed as World Cultural Heritage in 2014, representing the longest and largest hydraulic system in the world. The drawing When History Meets Future depicts a harmonious coexistence between the ancient stone bridge on the Grand Canal and the modern buildings. The Grand Canal has witnessed thousand of years of Chinese history and it also embraces the coming of a prosperous future. The Grand Canal brings huge benefits to the people. As an important bearer of our hydraulic history memory, the canal and its culture will be spread and cherished. Our little painter Yang Yaqi has grown up along the Canal. Since she was a little girl, her grandmother has told her stories about the Canal that was built thousands of years ago. Her love of the Canal has been vividly colored and shaped in the drawing. Now as she is learning the most advanced knowledge at school, she imagines to apply those technologies to the water, to create a brighter future for it and our people.
![013 PT AGUA A DRAW 04](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/013-PT-AGUA_A-DRAW_04__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #104
Museu da Água Lisboa
No to Pollution, Yes to Recycling
EPAL Water Museum Lisbon. Escola Básica e Secundária Alfredo da Silva, Sintra, Portugal. Marta Leal.
Water is life! When we do recycling pollute less and help our planet create more clean water, healthier is the land for agriculture and pastures. If we do not recycle ad keep polluting, water will disappear transforming the entire Earth into an authentic desert. I already do recycling and you?
![013 PT AGUA B DRAW 01](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/013-PT-AGUA_B-DRAW_01__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #101
Museu da Água Lisboa
Life Is in Our Hands
EPAL Water Museum Lisbon. Colégio Militar, Lisbon, Portugal. Jessica Correia Francisco.
The Earth does not belong exclusively to human beings, but to all living beings on it. We should value water more. Without it we would not exist, as all life depends on water, whether it is sweet or salty. Many animals depend on humans to stay alive. The animal represented here is an axolotl. Axolotl has lived in rivers for a long time and is one of the oldest animals in history. With this unusual species, I wanted to represent the infinite aquatic wonders found on Earth. The watercolor background illustrates the different chromatic and expressive possibilities that water makes possible. Life is in our hands!
![IMG 20220428 142340](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/IMG_20220428_142340__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #100
Museu de la Tècnica de Manresa
The Water We Want Seen by a Child
Museu de la Tècnica de Manresa. Institut Sant Jordi, Navàs, Spain. Arlet.
Filling the earth with bottled water
![010 IN LIVING B DRAW 05](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/010-IN-LIVING_B-DRAW_05__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #99
Living Waters Museum
Finding Hope
Living Waters Museum. DPS Howrah. Ayushi Mondal / 9
In this particular painting I have shown that the Sundarbans fishermen and women are struggling to get hold of the freshwater fish, which is a major source of their food. They need both fresh water and sea water fish for nutrition. Due to the continuous inflow of sea water into freshwater sources, the people of Sundarbans are being affected. In my painting I have tried to depict the struggle of the fishermen and women folk.
![010 IN LIVING B DRAW 04 v2](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/010-IN-LIVING_B-DRAW_04-v2__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #98
Living Waters Museum
Disaster in the Sundarbans
Living Waters Museum. Bidya Bharati Girls High School. Shaoni Mitra / 9.
The Sundarbans are a vast forest on the coast of the Bay of Bengal. It is full of natural beauty but on the 20th of May 2020 the cyclone “Amphan” hit the Sundarbans affecting the lives of people living there. Houses had been torn apart, the fields being filled with brackish water making it unsuitable for farming. With their homes being destroyed along with their livelihoods, people in the Sundarbans faced a threat to their survival. With the Bay of Bengal near their place, saline water had flooded the place filling the ponds and tube wells and diluting the freshwater reserves. This caused an acute shortage of water used for daily life purposes and for drinking, even for the wild life. Wild animals like deer, wild hogs, wild buffalos, leopards and the Bengal tiger had to suffer because of the destruction in their habitat and salt water encroachment. Their homes had been destroyed by the cyclone too.
![010 IN LIVING B DRAW 03](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/010-IN-LIVING_B-DRAW_03__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #97
Living Waters Museum
Dry Lives
Living Waters Museum. Sunbeam School Bhagwanpur, Varanasi, Amrita Sahoo / 10.
With new technologies, experiments and comfortabilities, surely we are moving towards development, but what about our lives and their quality... They are getting dry both, in terms of water and moral contentsHow? We are losing our natural reserve of water and morals to respect and protect our gifts of nature, thus being dry. This picture depicts the unavailability of water resources due to which people ended up being a wanderer in search of water, one of the most precious forms of natural gifts. To avoid such a situation for almost every year, life comes up with different ways of conserving this inevitable lifetime.
![010 IN LIVING A DRAW 02](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/010-IN-LIVING_A-DRAW_02__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #96
Living Waters Museum
Water For Generations
Living Waters Museum. Marian Co Educational School, Kolkata. Sarmistha Dutta/10.
Water, which is important for survival, is at high risk. Global warming, pollution from industries, overuse or wastage of water, etc are some of the main causes for which waterbodies are drying or becoming too polluted for usage. Half of the world's wetlands have disappeared. In my piece of art it is pointed out that due to drying up of water the path the people used to enjoy for shipment and trading is now just a barren land in which there is a little hope that if we stop man made causes of pollution maybe this barren land will be filled with water again. By using the children to portray that just like they are sailing the paper boat in the puddle of water, there is a hope that ships will be sailing one day. So WAKE UP YOUNG GENERATION! to protect our planet and make it a better place.
![009 RO LEONIDA B DRAW 06](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/009-RO-LEONIDA_B-DRAW_06__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #94
Leonida Trutà Water Museum Cluj-Napoca Romania
One last drop of water!
Leonida Trutà Water Museum, Cluj-Napoca. Gymnasium School ”no. 1, Hereclean, Romania. Gabriel Zaharia.
In a world where the sources of drinking water are exhausting and people are dying of thirst, the last drop of water and also the last hope of mankind is passed from hand to hand for every human being to survive. Only then will the population realize the importance of water.
![009 RO LEONIDA B DRAW 05](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/009-RO-LEONIDA_B-DRAW_05__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #93
Leonida Trutà Water Museum Cluj-Napoca Romania
Love the Water!
Leonida Trutà Water Museum, Cluj-Napoca. "Coresi" High School, Targoviste, Romania. Andreea Floroiu
The left side of the drawing is polluted water. The right side of it is how the water should be. Everyone should stop polluting it in order to have the "dream water". Water is the most important thing for us because without it we cannot live.
![009 RO LEONIDA B DRAW 04](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/009-RO-LEONIDA_B-DRAW_04__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #92
Leonida Trutà Water Museum Cluj-Napoca Romania
Water We Want
Leonida Trutà Water Museum, Cluj-Napoca. "Ion Agârbiceanu" Gymnasium School. Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Răzvan Hoza.
They have needed water since the first peoples appeared. The Egyptian people were first formed on the banks of the Nile. Water is often used in many activities in our lives. We use water for hydration, washing, feeding, education, sports and more. Unfortunately, many waters are polluted or wasted, which has a detrimental effect on marine life and life. It's the water we should protect. It's the water we want! On average, a person can live 7 days without eating and 4 days without hydration. It takes a maximum of one week for drinking water to be obtained. Did you know that even salt water can be drunk after it is boiled?
![009 RO LEONIDA A DRAW 03](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/009-RO-LEONIDA_A-DRAW_03__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #91
Leonida Trutà Water Museum Cluj-Napoca Romania
Water, the Source of Life!
Leonida Trutà Water Museum, Cluj-Napoca. "Horea, Cloșca and Crișan" Gymnasium School, Turda, Romania. Amalia Teodora Mera.
"Water means life! Through this drawing, I want to draw everyone's attention that water is the most important source of life for all living things. That is why it is very important to keep the water clean, not to pollute it."
![009 RO LEONIDA A DRAW 02 1](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/009-RO-LEONIDA_A-DRAW_02-1__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #90
Leonida Trutà Water Museum Cluj-Napoca Romania
Planet Aqua!
Leonida Trutà Water Museum, Cluj-Napoca. Children's Palace, Zalău, Romania. Steluța Pop.
Over time, there have been several species of humans on planet Earth. The planet does not need people, but people need it. If one day scientists came up with the idea of changing the name of the planet Earth to another, because it does not have enough identification data, we would be in a big dilemma. Some would choose the name Living Planet, Human Planet or Aqua Planet. The planet Aqua because twothirds of its surface is covered by water, because life appeared in water, because water is life! It is herefore necessary to protect it. Stop water pollution! Otherwise?
![008 IT HYDRA B DRAW 01](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/008-IT-HYDRA_B-DRAW_01__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #89
Hydra Marmore Falls, Multimedia Museum, Terni. Istituto Paritario 'San Giovanni Battista' – Liceo delle Scienze Umane, San Benedetto del Tronto, Italy. Veronica Bubici, Anna Maria Filotrani, Anita Paoloni, Elena Santori.
Us pupils, studying at the Intensive Art course of the Secondary High School 'San Giovanni battista' situated in San Benedetto del Tronto, had the opportunity to work on the most relevant aspects of freshwater waste. We realised the importance of water and serious issues unintentionally caused by human behaviour. The drawing is on paper. It is made with different artistic materials. The main techniques used are: water colour and coloured pens. We expressed the concept of consume with simple actions in which men run out of all freshwater resources. The black hand represent those who are responsible for the over-use of this precious common need: not only factories but also us citizens with our everyday behaviour. The world is deformed and cannot return to its original shape because water represents a non-renewable benefit. We could avoid the way of not coming back having awareness and knowledge working on advanced technologies and finding new resources to improve the lives of new generations and the Earth future
![007 IT MART B DRAW 06](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/007-IT-MART_B-DRAW_06__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #88
Ecomuseum Martesana, Milano
Wastefulness Is a Privilege
Ecomuseum Martesana, Milano. IIS Niccolò Macchiavelli, Pioltello, Italy. Silvia Elena Rovagnati, 4C.
Water is essential to our survival, all life comes from water, and through water it endures. There’s enough water on the planet for seven billion people, however, not everyone has access to it. This valuable resource is unevenly distributed and much of it is polluted or otherwise inaccessible. In the drawing, the abundance of water is personified in a woman, desperately trying to reach every person in need, but being dragged away, held back. Such life-granting beauty, confined inside a sink, falling from a tap left open. The same water that some people can afford to leave running down the drain, for others could make the difference between life and death. Being wasteful is a privilege that not everyone can afford.
![007 IT MART A DRAW 03](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/007-IT-MART_A-DRAW_03__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #87
Ecomuseum Martesana, Milano
The Poetry of Water
Ecomuseum Martesana, Milano. Istituto Comprensivo "Paolo e Larissa Pini" plesso "Martiri di Gorla", Milano, Italy. 3D.
These are brief poems children made up in order to describe the “poetry” of water’s element. You can read the poem in English and hear the child’s voice in Italian by clicking the link and then on each drop of water
![007 IT MART A DRAW 02](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/007-IT-MART_A-DRAW_02__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #86
Ecomuseum Martesana, Milano
Water Is for All
Ecomuseum Martesana, Milano. lstituto Comprensivo "Paolo e Larissa Pini" plesso "Martiri di Gorla", Milano, Italy. 2D.
"Water is for all" and "All are united by water" are the slogans of our work. Water is a precious good for life and the unity of people. The water and the light of people united create the rainbow of peace around and into the world. In our world people live and work in a healthy environment where water is protected. Our work is a collage of colors and hope.
![005 NL B BOSCH B DRAW 06](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/005-NL-B-BOSCH_B-DRAW_06__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #85
The Netherlands
Biesbosch MuseumEiland
Biesbosch MuseumEiland Werkendam. Mgr. Frencken College, Oosterhout (NB), Netherlands. Miranda van Bragt.
![005 NL B BOSCH B DRAW 03](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/005-NL-B-BOSCH_B-DRAW_03__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #83
The Netherlands
Biesbosch MuseumEiland
Biesbosch MuseumEiland Werkendam. Mgr. Frencken College, Oosterhout (NB), Netherlands. Cleo van Heerik- 4VWO.
I painted a hand coming out of the world, holding a piece of land. I did this because we can still decide if we do something to the problem with the water that we caused. It is all in our hands, so that is the statement that I wanted to make.
![005 NL B BOSCH B DRAW 02](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/005-NL-B-BOSCH_B-DRAW_02__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #82
The Netherlands
Biesbosch MuseumEiland
Biesbosch MuseumEiland Werkendam. Mgr. Frencken College, Oosterhout (NB), Netherlands. Tijn Hermens-2VA.
![005 NL B BOSCH B DRAW 01](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/005-NL-B-BOSCH_B-DRAW_01__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #81
The Netherlands
Biesbosch MuseumEiland
Biesbosch MuseumEiland Werkendam. Mgr. Frencken College, Oosterhout (NB), Netherlands. Liniek Stomp- 4VWO.
I am going to tell you a little bit about the idea behind my artwork. I have tried to show how different generations face water problems. Of course not everyone of every generation is the same, and I do not want to say this, but I hope to let people think a little more about what they can do for the climate and against rising water. Because it affects our children in the future. Now I will tell you a little bit more about the things you can really see in the artwork. You can see that the world in the water black and white is and above the water it has color. This describes that life is Good when the world isn't flooding. In the artwork you can see that the oldest generation experience little of the rising water, they sometimes even help it get a little worse. You can see that in the painting through the tilted tea cup, it is spilling some water. The middle generation stands a little lower in the water and tends to ignore the problems. And the youngest generation experiences the most problems, it is about their future.
![004 CN BHL A DRAW 06 v2](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/004-CN-BHL_A-DRAW_06-v2__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #80
Baiheliang Underwater Museum, Chongqing
Scenery in My Heart
Chongqing Baiheliang Underwater Museum. Changjiang Art School, Fuling, China. Zhang Ziyue.
Elegant rivers and mountains in China
![004 CN BHL A DRAW 05](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/004-CN-BHL_A-DRAW_05__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #79
Baiheliang Underwater Museum, Chongqing
Living Together
Chongqing Baiheliang Underwater Museum. No.1 high school Fuling Chongqing, China. Yu Qingwei/ Class10, Grade 11.
The topic I have chosen is biodiversity. The whole picture is composed of three parts. On the top is a desert that lacks water resources. There is a came walking in the desert, surrounded by some green plants and cactus. In the middle part is the water rich ocean, there is a dolphin, many jelly fish, small fish seaweed, they live in the sea free and happy. At the bottom of the picture is the green forest, in the forest lives a large rhino, squirrels, birds and green plants around, forming a harmonious green jungle picture. Hope that the creatures have a beautiful and harmonious living environment.
![004 CN BHL A DRAW 04](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/004-CN-BHL_A-DRAW_04__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #78
Baiheliang Underwater Museum, Chongqing
Chongqing Baiheliang Underwater Museum. Conglin Schools in Baisheng town, Fuling, China. Hu Xiaodan/Class2,Grade 9.
Water conservancy everything in the world,and water is the source of all the living things.Human and nature should live in peace,let us protect our planet together!
![004 CN BHL A DRAW 03](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/004-CN-BHL_A-DRAW_03__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #77
Baiheliang Underwater Museum, Chongqing
Landscape in My Memory
Landscape in the pass time has aroused our desire for the unpolluted water
Chongqing Baiheliang Underwater Museum. Lei Yu Feng art training school,Fuling, China. Xie Jinghong.
![004 CN BHL A DRAW 02](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/004-CN-BHL_A-DRAW_02__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #76
Baiheliang Underwater Museum, Chongqing
Save Every Drop of Water, We’re in Action
Chongqing Baiheliang Underwater Museum. Liangtang primary school in Jiangdong Street of Fuling, China. Tian Yihao/Class3,Grade 5.
Cherish freshwater resources, protect the water of life” is not a slogan, but the need for all ofus to take part in practical action, cherish the water oflife, close every drop, so that everywhere in the spread of water- saving good culture
![004 CN BHL A DRAW 01](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/004-CN-BHL_A-DRAW_01__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #75
Baiheliang Underwater Museum, Chongqing
Summer Day
Chongqing Baiheliang Underwater Museum. Fuling District Zhejiang Fuling friendship school, Fuling, China. Li Zhenling/Class2, Grade 6.
Games in the streams are the main topic of summer day
![003 IT TERME A DRAW 01](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/003-IT-TERME_A-DRAW_01__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #74
Museum of River Navigation Battaglia Terme
Drops of Wisdom
River Navigation Museum of Battaglia Terme. Scuola primaria “Marconi” - Battaglia Terme, Italy. 5^.
The Good deeds / To save Water / Let’s anchor them in your head / To always carry out / The good deeds
![002 HR AQUATIKA A DRAW 04](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/002-HR-AQUATIKA_A-DRAW_04__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #73
AQUATIKA – Freshwater Aquarium, Karlovac
The Queen of Water
Aquatika – Freshwater Aquarium Karlovac. Primary School Mahično, Karlovac, Croatia. Lana Salopek.
I really like fairy tales. There is always something beautiful in fairy tales, something less beautiful. So it is on Earth. The Queen of Water has a beautiful part of the dress that is full of life, clean and cheerful, unfortunately she also has an ugly part full of waste. Water is important to us and that is why we have to keep it and pass it on to everyone around us, as my fairy tales that I love have told me.
![002 HR AQUATIKA A DRAW 03](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/002-HR-AQUATIKA_A-DRAW_03__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #72
AQUATIKA – Freshwater Aquarium, Karlovac
Drops of Life
Aquatika – Freshwater Aquarium Karlovac. Primary School Mahično, Karlovac, Croatia. Kiara Lesić.
"All the green, living world depends on the drops of life, the drops of water. There is beauty in my drops. In the green world, drops help animals, help leaves, grass to grow better. They help the rainbow to appear. They help people to be healthy and grow healthy vegetables with the help of water."
![002 HR AQUATIKA A DRAW 02](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/002-HR-AQUATIKA_A-DRAW_02__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #71
AQUATIKA – Freshwater Aquarium, Karlovac
Water is the Queen of the Earth
"Every queen has a crown. My Earth has a water crown. The water crown is a treasure we must preserve. In my crown
everything blooms and grows. If I were a queen I too would love to have a water crown."
Aquatika – Freshwater Aquarium Karlovac. Primary School Mahično, Karlovac, Croatia. Dora Pleskina.
![001 RO AQUAPIC A DRAW 05](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/001-RO-AQUAPIC_A-DRAW_05__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #70
Aquapic - Centru Educațional Pentru Copii
A Lake as Clean as a Glass of Water
Aquapic - Centru Educațional Pentru Copii, Timișoara. Secondary School No. 24, Timisoara, Romania. Damaris Ianaș.
While we tend to consider that the only clean and safe water is the one intended for human consumption, we forget that the water of lakes and rivers should also remain clean. What if all the rivers and lakes were as clean as the water we want to drink?
![001 RO AQUAPIC B DRAW 04](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/001-RO-AQUAPIC_B-DRAW_04__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #69
Aquapic - Centru Educațional Pentru Copii
The Flow of Water
Aquapic - Centru Educațional Pentru Copii, Timișoara. Technological HighSchool “Petrache Poenaru” Bălcești, Vâlcea County, Romania. Maria Alexandra Trancă.
This work is an interpretation of the freshwater ecosystem and its biodiversity. It includes a few common species of plants, fish and birds that represent the flora and fauna of lakes and rivers.
![001 RO AQUAPIC A DRAW 03](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/001-RO-AQUAPIC_A-DRAW_03__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #68
Aquapic - Centru Educațional Pentru Copii
A Beautiful Landscape on a Plastic Bottle’s Label Is Not a Beautiful Landscape
Aquapic - Centru Educațional Pentru Copii, Timișoara. Secondary School No. 24, Timisoara, Romania. Daria Duinea.
Unfortunately, drinking water is increasingly being sold in plastic bottles, these bottles being a major source of pollution. According to National Geographic, only one of 6 bottles ends up being recycled, the rest ending up on the ocean floor, on the plains, in landfills or in incinerators. For the production of bottles, 30 million barrels of oil are consumed annually.
![001 RO AQUAPIC B DRAW 02](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/001-RO-AQUAPIC_B-DRAW_02__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #67
Aquapic - Centru Educațional Pentru Copii
Water Full of Life
Aquapic - Centru Educațional Pentru Copii, Timișoara. Secondary School No. 24, Timisoara, Romania. Amarilis Moisa.
When we think of clean water, the first thing that comes to mind is our species' need for it. But beyond the anthropocentric gaze, there is a whole universe of complex and unique beings whose lives are linked to the existence of unpolluted rivers.
![001 RO AQUAPIC A DRAW 01](/assets/Uploads/drawings-2022/001-RO-AQUAPIC_A-DRAW_01__FillWzY2Niw2NjZd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY2Niw2NjYsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.jpg)
Identifier: #66
Aquapic - Centru Educațional Pentru Copii
Water Fairy, Fairy of Life
Aquapic - Centru Educațional Pentru Copii, Timișoara. Theoretical HighSchool William Shakespeare, Timisoara, Romania. 1st grade.
Water is in constant motion and change. Fresh water is relatively scarce on Earth, only 3% of the total amount of water, it being the most important for the existence of life on Earth. However, freshwater areas are severely affected by habitat modification, fragmentation and destruction, by invasive exotic species, intensive fishing, excessive damming, pollution and climate change. Our students imagined a fairy who gathers in her hair polluted freshwater resources , filltering them through her body and then pouring them onto her unpolluted skirt. Here, the waters’ living things survive in a beautiful
harmony. Around the fairy they drew the activities through which children can contribute in maintaining our waters clean.