The Water We Want 2022 - Other Media
Identifier: #32
Museu da Água Lisboa
Plastic by Plastic, We Clean the Water of the River!
EPAL Water Museum Lisbon. Academia de Música Costa Cabral, Porto, Portugal. Carlota Caires, Mª Clara Lourenço, Sara Trindade.
This animation aims to make us think about the impact of fresh water pollution and to assign to each one of us the responsibility of maintaining rivers and lakes pollution free. This action intends to promote the presentation of fantastic biodiversity of these ecosystems.
Identifier: #23
Museum of River Navigation Battaglia Terme (Italy)
Venice Is a Fish
River Navigation Museum of Battaglia Terme. Secondary school ITCS "Maria Lazzari" of Dolo, Italy. 4^D.
We created a video that compares two realities: the first one shows a polluted, busy, noisy and dirty area; the second one presents a clean and quiet area with natural colours, where the human footprint does not affect the environment. We propose this video in order to invite visitors to explore a path in an area that is neither crowded nor polluted. A peaceful and pleasant place! As for food, let’s dive into the typical Venetian Happy Hour with Cicchetti & Spritz. So, watch our video and…don’t underestimate seaguils!
Identifier: #33
Special Mention
(with Commendation on “Reinterpreting Song Heritage”)
Museu da Água Lisboa
Azulinha (The little blue drop)
EPAL Water Museum Lisbon. CED Nossa Senhora da Conceição, Casa Pia de Lisboa, Portugal. 2nd Grade.
The video is a song that tells the story of a drop of water called “Azulinha”. During the song “Azulinha” explains that she has decided to travel the world, the water cycle is implicit in the whole song. On her way around the world, “Azulinha” encounters several dangers and to face these dangers, she had the help of children, who, better than anyone, know how to care of our planet’s water. The song is a traditional Portuguese song know as “As pombinhas da Catrina” with lyrics adapted to the theme of the contest.
Identifier: #31
Special Mention
(with Commendation on “Intangible River Heritage”)
Living Waters Museum
Nodir Kul Naai- The Endless River
Living Waters Museum. DPS Howrah. 4-5-7 Aritri Bhunia, Rupkatha Roy, Eshna Dutta, Priyanjali Polley, Debdutta Ghosh, Supriti Ghosh, Ayushi Mondal, Deekshaa Gupta, Barnak Ghosh
Tis is a Bengali Folk Song of the Bhatiyali Genre also knwn as the boatmen songs.. "For men may come and men may go, I go on forever” Our Sail meanders and is guided by the ebb and flow in the greeat river of faith. However far we may drift yet we are insignificant in front of the unfathomable. Far far from the time unknown humans have tried to master the river, in search of civilization. Yet like our desires the journey a mock. The river remains unquenched.
![Rovagnati Silvia The Water We Want copia](/assets/Uploads/Rovagnati-Silvia-The-Water-We-Want-copia__FillWzY0MCwzNjBd_WatermarkWzEwLDEwLDY0MCwzNjAsIlRvcFJpZ2h0IiwzMTJd.png)
Identifier: #43
Ecomuseo Martesana
Being Wasteful is a Privilege not Everyone can afford
Ecomuseo Martesana, Italy. Silvia Rovagnati.
Identifier: #42
WAMU-NET Advisory Committee
Me and Water
WAMU-NET Advisory Committee. Sekolah Kebangsaan Putrajaya, Malaysia. Ain Batrisyia Huda, Presint 11.
Hello, my name is Batrisyia Huda. I'm 12 years old and I'm from Malaysia. The pictures shown in this video are my activities and family enjoying the beauty of nature. My family and I went camping by the river. The two rivers we visited Kalumpang and camp Site in March 2021 and Apak Kawww Camp on September 2021. My siblings and I enjoyed the very cool and comfortable river water. The water of the river is cold. We would not enjoy such cold water if we were in an urban area. We as human beings are fully responsible in ensuring that river water is always clean and unpolluted. If the river was polluted, it will bring problems to all life. Water is a treasure that we must take care of and cherish for the sake of the lives of future generations. It is hoped that future children will continue to enjoy and maintain this natural beauty well.
Identifier: #40
Musée Mohammed VI - Aman, Marrakech
Farewell Corona, Water Is Eternal
Musée Mohammed VI - Aman, Marrakech. Groupe Scolaire Jacques Majorelle, Marrakech, Morocco. Rania Raad.
Through the artistic work that I have done, I wanted to show the importance of water in our lives and for our health. Even a virus of the magnitude of Corona, which has put the entire planet on hold and shattered thousands of lives, does not overcome the power of water: the simple act of washing our hands with water and soap kills the Virus! Can you imagine that? The vaccine, which has saved us all from this epidemic, is itself made of water! So, without water, there is no life on earth and no hope for the planet. To illustrate this, I built a floor of dry, arid and thirsty earth, affected by the virus. A first dose of vaccine was needed to give a bit of life to this planet which began to regain strength and weaken the Corona. From there, trees and plants began to grow. Then, a second dose allowed the resurrection of the earth and of all humanity. Thanks to water, we all have been saved! Water has been able to spurt out from our thirst-quenched and soothed bodies to give life to our plains and valleys.
Identifier: #39
Water Museum of Venice
Water Is Life but It's Not Endless
Water Museum of Venice. Primary School “E. De Amicis” of Casalserugo, Italy. 2^A and 2^B.
The #RESPECT educational project of the Bacchiglione Reclamation Consortium offered us the opportunity to structure an educational path which had water as main theme and which involved different school subjects. The water theme enable us to afford essential problems for human life on Earth as recommended in the 2030 agenda which sets the fundamental objectives for the sustainable development of the planet, including water as a source of life, the problems of access to water, the consequences of a lack of attention to water as a resource and as a risk. The school task is developing fundamental knowledge and attention to obtain an active and responsible "citizen of the world" through the languages of the various disciplines. It is fundamental to understand the lifestyles effects on the environment in order to better work on the formation and acquisition of suitable micro and macro-behaviors. Starting from a problem situation (waste of water at school), the path included experiences, observation and knowledge of the water element, starting from the activity of free play (perceptive, manipulative and sensorial), up to scientific experiment. The development of the ability to observe the environment and natural elements gave us the possibility to develop the basis for the formation of a scientific method
Identifier: #38
Water Museum of Venice
Clean and Protected Rivers are Aliver Rivers
Water Museum of Venice. Primary school “I. Nievo” of Rio San Martino - Scorzè, Italy. 5^A.
The class made a teamwork collage with tempera coloured papers and pencil and crayon drawings. In the video you can see the making of the poster. The hands symbolize the actions of man to preserve nature. Before the children had thought about how the rivers are important as ecosystems full of thousands of living beings. If we protect and keep them clean the rivers will be the home of a lot of creatures and we could enjoy their beauty. We cooperated with the students of class 5 B of our school.
Identifier: #36
Water Museum of Venice
Water Museum of Venice. Primary school “Stiffoni”of Piombino Dese, Italy. 2^A.
It is beautiful to walk along the Dese River, observe the fast running of its waters, stop and observe. Observe and feel front of so much beauty. We love our river and for him we recite a poem by Gabriele D'Annunzio “Water”: Mountain water / Spring water / Rainwater / Soveraign water / Water I hear / Water I praise / Water that rings / Water that sparkles / Water that sings and cries / Water that laughs and bellows / You are life / And always always runs away
Identifier: #35
National Water Museum of China
National Water Museum of China. Xiaoshan No.2 Vocational School Hangzhou, China. Ma Jiali.
Hi, I’m Le Le. As the video is too short, it can neither show how free and happy I was before nor how painful I am at this moment. In my memory, I used to dabble with my good friends in the blue ocean. But now, my bear friends lose their homes. My seagull aunts can’t take food. My penguin brother becomes alone...My beloved water is not as crystal as a blue mirror any longer. My mother took me away from our home in face of danger. Where am I? I’m so scared. “I love this world, this ocean. Human, may you please protect her?”
Identifier: #34
National Water Museum of China
Cherish Every Drop of Water
National Water Museum of China. Hangzhou Xiaoshan Ningwei Primary School & Yingfeng Primary School, Hangzhou, China. Liu Yiming & Zhou Jingling.
Cherish every drop of water. The creation of this song is inspired by the vision of being a responsible teenager who sees water-saving as our compelling obligation. Combining electric elements with pop music, the whole song exhibits a lively and cheerful mood, which is in line with children’s aspiration for an environment-friendly future. The lyrics and music were composed by LIU Yiming (10 years old) and ZHOU Jingl ing (11 years old), and their friends ZHANG Yaorui, YING Zimu and XIAO Wa were invited to sing the song together. Saving water and protecting water resources is the eternal theme of this song. The production team wish to spread the ideal of water-saving to every corner of the world because they believe songs could transcend the territorial boundaries and carry on the meaning to the bottom of listeners ’ heart.
Identifier: #29
Hydra Marmore Falls, Multimedia Museum, Terni. Istituto Paritario 'San Giovanni Battista' – Liceo delle Scienze Umane, San Benedetto del Tronto, Italy. Paolo Ciapanna, Valeriya Dobkina, Edvin Paccasassi, Francesco Pica.
The video represents the students' long work on the awareness of the importance of water and its unsustainable use by individuals and companies. However, there are ways to change the paradigm, such as apps that help motivate people to more responsible consumption. The video was made using various editing techniques and it was an opportunity for the students to experiment with the stop-motion animation technique.
Identifier: #28
Ecomuseum Martesana, Milano
Flick a Click
Ecomuseum Martesana, Milano. IIS Niccolò Macchiavelli, Pioltello, Italy. Marta Paratore, 3B.
The meaning of this drawing is so significant: a lot of people don’t’ care about the condition of our planet, and they can’t see that the reasons for climate change are people. Climate change is one of the many reasons for losing our water resources , in fact in this drawing, you can see that the river is almost empty. But with a correct vision, we can save the world and the water, which is a fundamental need in our everyday life and, as you can see in this drawing, the tears caused by seeing a polluted environment are filling the river again with fresh water, so that our planet can be happy again and of course us people too.
Identifier: #26
Ecomuseo Adda di Leonardo
Water Song
Ecomuseo Adda di Leonardo. Scuola secondaria di I° grado “Dante Alighieri”, Opera (MI), Italy. 2°A, 2°D, 2°C, 2°E, 2°G (choir in “Acqua”), Rebecca Merlini (2°G, soundscape creator, flutist, photographer), Sara Lamberti (2°G, narrator in “Versicoli quasi ecologici”), Sofia Demetra Barucci (3°F, voice in “Reflection…”).
The project is developed through a “Soundscape” within the course of study of the musical address of the Dante Alighieri Institute of Opera: the verticality of the musical studies allows to develop interdisciplinary projects and broaden the themes linked to the 17 Objectives of the Agenda 2030, building original and unpublished musical paths that lead young musicians to create choral and orchestral scores with the fundamental objective of thinking about a better future, finding eco-sustainable solutions and developing ideas for better awareness in lifestyle with less waste.
Identifier: #25
The Netherlands
Biesbosch MuseumEiland
Biesbosch MuseumEiland Werkendam. Mgr. Frencken College, Oosterhout (NB), Netherlands. Katja Sinx.
This stopmotion animation is made with the underlying idea to stop the pollution of our water by plastic and also saving the animals that suffer because of this. In the animation you see a bottle and some plastic being thrown in the water, the animals flee because of this and the water turns dirty. At the end of the animation you see the text 'protect don't destroy'. What was meant by this is we should not destroys our waters and our animals, but we should protect it, because it is valuable.
Identifier: #24
Museum of River Navigation Battaglia Terme (Italy)
Humanity Is the Real Pollution
River Navigation Museum of Battaglia Terme. Secondary school ITCS "Maria Lazzari" of Dolo, Italy. 4^E.
Such a unique, elegant and priceless city in the pre-covid times has suffered from the pollution of mass tourism, risking to lose its personality. The period of the pandemic gave Venice the opportunity to reflect on the importance of more sustainable tourism and today it has the possibility to choose: to carry on as if nothing has happened or to row out towards a better future.
Identifier: #22
Museum of River Navigation Battaglia Terme (Italy)
Take It Slow
River Navigation Museum of Battaglia Terme. Secondary school IPSEOA "Pietro D'Abano" of Abano Terme, Italy. 5^BT.
The project aims to highlight the natural and cultural heritage of the waterways of Battaglia Terme, a strategic hub in the transport of passengers and goods between the Venetian Lagoon and the flatlands of the Veneto Padan Plain, an outstanding example of effective interaction between local people and natural environment in the Land of Venice. The video was made with the Stop Motion technique and features images from the waterway loop that runs through the amazing Euganean Hills. Every tiny detail in the video required a great deal of time, creativity, passion and critical sense. The boats are folded sheets of paper sailing along a blue ribbon that represents the Battaglia Canal. The Lego characters illustrate the main activities involved in the transport of passengers and goods from the area around the Euganean Hills to the rest of Northern Italy. We decided to present our project in the form of a book to illustrate the most significant passages of the past, present and future of the navigable waterways of the Veneto Region. In this way, we aimed to promote a smart regeneration of the waterways as a springboard for a new sustainable responsible form of tourism and transport.
Identifier: #21
Aquapic - Centru Educațional Pentru Copii
The Water in Our Lives
Aquapic - Centru Educațional Pentru Copii, Timișoara. Theiretical HighSchool Grigore Moisil, Timișoara, Romania. Ingrid Vaștag.
This work is a poem, composed by the 8 years old student Ingrid Vastag. Entitled Water in Our Lives, the poem consists of nine quatrains that highlight the role and importance of water in our lives, for human health, for the ecosystems, its circuit in nature and the duty we all share for this resource – to use it responsible and protect it.