The Water We Want 2021 - Drawings

Identifier: #65
Aquapic Water Museum, Timisoara
Aquapic - Centru Educațional Pentru Copii, Timișoara. Colegiul Naţional Pedagogic 'Carmen Sylva', TImisoara. PATRICIA AHMADI.
Like a mother, Water takes care of all living things on Earth.

Identifier: #64
Museum of Water Civilization in Morocco “Mohammed VI”, Marrakech
The Water We Want
Mohammed VI Museum for the Civilization of Water. School Groupe Scolaire Jacques Majorelle, Marrakech. Lina Zrikem and Yasmine Ouagague.
Our message behind this drawing is a metaphor. Water is represented by a chained woman , condemned by our selfishness and our greed. Water is losing its value because of us and our ignorance. Our water is precious, and so is our earth. When the last drop falls, will we still be able to save it? Let's stop being selfish and start conserving our planet's most valuable resource.

Identifier: #63
Special Mention
(with Commendation on “Built Water Heritage”)
Baiheliang Underwater Museum, Chongqing
The Baiheliang
Baiheliang Underwater Museum, Chongqing. No.5 Middle School in Fuling, Chongqing. Xu Ziting/ Class23.
Baiheliang is the first underwater museum, it is the proud of my hometown. It lives in the river, give our memories of the history. We can’t live without water. I love Baiheliag and love the river and water.

Identifier: #62
Special Mention
Living Waters Museum, India
The Water Tanker
LIVING WATERS MUSEUM, INDIA. Kalla Killa Municipal School, Dharavi, Mumbai. Sanjana Harindar Jaiswar, Class 5.
Everyday,there is shortage of water in our area, then the area people ask for water tank, when water tank came in community then there is rush to fill the water with that tanker.I really feel to capture this .That`s why I draw this drawing.

Identifier: #61
Special Mention
(with Commendation on “Water Justice”)
EPAL Water Museum, Lisbon
EPAL Water Museum, Lisbon. Agrupamento de Escolas da Bemposta, Portimão. André Correia, 7th Grade.
All actions have consequences and all consequences have their results that will come in due time.

Identifier: #60
Special Mention
Museum of Water Civilization in Morocco “Mohammed VI”, Marrakech
Planet Water
Mohammed VI Museum for the Civilization of Water. School Massar Al Omam, Marrakech. Hadil Aaddar.

Identifier: #59
Aquapic Water Museum, Timisoara
The magical journey
Aquapic - Centru Educațional Pentru Copii, Timișoara. LICEUL TEORETIC 'BARTÓK BÉLA', TIMISOARA. PETRA SZÜCS.
I really like animals from an early age, I also imagined in this drawing that we would clean up the ocean together. Whales, fishes and octopuses can help, they are my best friends in this journey, but I also really want to help them and hug them in real life to.

Identifier: #58
Aquapic Water Museum, Timisoara
The blue drop of the Earth
Aquapic - Centru Educațional Pentru Copii, Timișoara. LICEUL TEORETIC 'SHAKESPEARE', TIMISOARA. II A.
Water sustains life, so without water life would not exist on Earth. The drawing wants to capture the importance of water, in every corner of the world, which is the most precious and valuable resource for the life of plants, animals and people. Water resources are under pressure in many parts of the world, and the situation continues to worsen. The water deficit has serious consequences both on everything that means life, but also indirectly on agriculture, industry: low river water flows, low lake levels, the disappearance of wetlands.

Identifier: #57
AQUATIKA, Freshwater Aquarium, Karlovac
Water is root of the world
AQUATIKA – FRESHWATER AQUARIUM KARLOVAC. District School CEROVAC VUKMANIĆKI, Karlovac. Matej Sabljarić, 3rd Class.
Water is the root of the world.

Identifier: #56
AQUATIKA, Freshwater Aquarium, Karlovac
Protection of water
AQUATIKA – FRESHWATER AQUARIUM KARLOVAC. Elementary school GRABRIK, Karlovac. Nela Bolfek, 4th.
We talked about protecting the water and how really important water is to our lives and planet, so we decided to make pictures using wooden colours and some felt tip pens that would describe the importance of water in our role in protecting it from disappearing. She was interested in the project and was really happy about the scene. The water in Croatia is still clean and she realises that she is the one who will in the future protect the cleanliness of the water.

Identifier: #55
Baiheliang Underwater Museum, Chongqing
The Water We Want
Baiheliang Underwater Museum, Chongqing. Litchi Hope Primary School in Fuling, Chongqing. Du Xinrui/ Class 6,Grade 5.
"Water is the source of life. Where there is no water, there is no life in the earth. Saving water starts from me and it’s our duties to save water. This painting constitutes the earth mother, flowers, grass and humans. If we waste the water, the last water of the world is our tears."

Identifier: #54
Baiheliang Underwater Museum, Chongqing
Clean Waters and Green Mountains
Baiheliang Underwater Museum, Chongqing. Conglin Schools in Baisheng town, Fuling. Ren Yicheng.
This painting uses Baiheliang, Fuling, the children,dragon and immortal ride on the crane to describe our hometown is clear waters and green mountains. I love my hometown.

Identifier: #53
Baiheliang Underwater Museum, Chongqing
The Crying Dolphin
Baiheliang Underwater Museum, Chongqing. Conglin Schools in Baisheng town, Fuling. Zhao Jinfeng.
The water pollution is eroding the earth. In the polluted waters, the dolphins, fish and other water creatures are waiting for death. We should love our environment, protect the water.

Identifier: #52
Baiheliang Underwater Museum, Chongqing
Treasure the Water by Yu
Baiheliang Underwater Museum, Chongqing. Bashu Middle School in Fuling, Chongqing. Li Xinran/Class6, Grade 7.
Use the allusion of King Yu Tamed the Flood, add the classical background, describe the water resources shortage, call on people saving the water.

Identifier: #51
Ecomuseum Martesana, Milano
Going for a clean and bright future
"My name is Marta Jēce. I live in a small town by the sea. I really love the sea and I spend a lot of time there. When I see various debris Bring washed out of the sea and that see creatures my heart aches. The houses of these fish and animals are dying. The sea is crying. We must help it save life – to have clean water in it. In my drawing I drew a girl who supposedly came from the past, when nature rolled over man and everything was pure, so that she could a help us, people, understand that something needs to be done urgently. May our wise minds come up with a solution for the future, how to protect our rare, extinct birds and animals, because they cannot live in dirty oil and plastic contaminated water. My girl has a sail made of solar panels so that nature is not polluted. The girl is facing a fight with people in whose minds only money is ruling everything. The girl stands up for the nature. I want my penguins to have enough ice, because pollution can make it disappear. Doesn’t that where are you? Walking along the sea, are you up and take a big bag in together with my mother I collect rubbish by the sea. But there is so much of it. Help! Let’s protect our greatest treasure – water – together! I made my drawing is a game. I can remove all the animals and the world stays empty now. What is missing in the drawing? We will send the ship in a different direction so that the penguins can be happy. You also played a game and save our world!"

Identifier: #50
Danube Water-Adventure, Engelhartszell
Water is vital
Danube Water-Adventure, Engelhartszell. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ST. AEGIDI, 2ND CLASS.
In our work, we have thought about importance of clean water for all people and for the future. The heavy pollution also means that water resources are becoming less and less. Moreover, these are distributed unfairly, even though all people in the world Are entitled to clean water. Why the rich countries’ population is thoughtless and wasteful about water, people in poorer countries often do not have access to clean drinking water or wells. It should therefore be our concern offered to maintain a clean, plastic-free environment from environment for all.

Identifier: #49
Musée de l’Eau et de la Fontaine, Genval
Together we are stronger
Musée de l’Eau et de la Fontaine (MEF), Belgium. The Courtyard International School, Tervure.
A drop of water is the start of a journey. That tiny drop will travel, see the world, and live a thousand adventures. The children have each drawn in a drop of water, using watercolour paints to bring life to their art. Each child illustrated a message or slogan about ‘The Water We Want’. Some choose to raise awareness about water conservation, others about keeping water clean and finally about how they dream water to be for tomorrow. We photographed their work and created a collage, to show that together we are stronger and together we have hope.

Identifier: #48
Living Waters Museum, India
Water for Life
LIVING WATERS MUSEUM, INDIA. Little Hut, SGCRC. Debashish Kumvokar
Water is the only true wealth that is not only readily available to us, but is also one of the only resources apart from air that we cannot live without. If we can do our bit to save every drop, together we can save this world and make it easy for our coming generations. Do not waste water, drink as much as you can to protect yourself. Water is life, save water, save lives.

Identifier: #47
Living Waters Museum, India
Handwater pump
LIVING WATERS MUSEUM, INDIA. Sant Kakkaya BMC School, Dharavi, Mumbai. Adil Akram Shaikh, Class 7.
I have seen in village how people live in village and how do people fill the water I see this which type of equipment use for fill the water I see this which type of equipment use for fill the bucket and this is really tough to fill because how strongly to press the tool with hand. So I draw this drawing.

Identifier: #46
Living Waters Museum, India
Save Water, Save Planet
LIVING WATERS MUSEUM, INDIA. Holy Redeemers Hr Secondary Girls High School, Palakarai, Trichi. S Priyadharshini.
The earth does not only belong to humans, its for all beings around us. When we understand, that we could get water from the road taps, human with 6 senses doesn’t have the responsibility to save water for future generations. The idea of my drawing represents how the scarcity of water resources getting critical among the society.

Identifier: #45
Living Waters Museum, India
Save the life
LIVING WATERS MUSEUM, INDIA. St Joseph Higher Secondary School School, Palakarai. D Ashwanth.
We need trees, plants, birds, insects, fishes and everything needs water to live. Nowadays, we get to use water from a tap in our house, and not so much from lakes and wells. And now there is a shortage of water everywhere. In my village, we have a bore well for one farm. But the well had to be dug very deep to get water, because there is less water in the ground. So we must be careful with using water for almost everything, we use it for drinking, cooking, cleaning, washing and in the toilet. We use a lot of water instead of using less. I am careful with using water.

Identifier: #44
Living Waters Museum, India
Save the life
LIVING WATERS MUSEUM, INDIA. St Joseph Higher Secondary School School, Palakarai. D Ashwanth.
Tree planting brings rain and saves lives of human beings. My concept in the drawing is to bring awareness to the society. My drawing shows each drop of water has a life, so we have to save our lives by saving water

Identifier: #43
MUSE, Science Museum, Trento
The plastic dolphin

Identifier: #42
MUSE, Science Museum, Trento
Hands of water
In the drawing I wanted to represent water as the raw material of our existence so I drew hands immersed in water as if they were collecting it. Water is very important for every living being not only human but also animal and vegetable. It is everywhere, however, we must guard and maintain it as we found it in the past, to leave it to other living beings and future generations. So as a slogan I chose "Water must be everywhere”.

Identifier: #41
MUSE, Science Museum, Trento
I wanted to depict a plastic bag hidden by ice because,just as the title says,with the pollution that man has created and is still increasing, the only similar aspect of the nature that will remain will be hundreds of plastic bags scattered in the ocean

Identifier: #40
Museum of River Navigation, Padua-Battaglia Terme
Our sea
Museum of River Navigation Battaglia Terme, Italy. Primary School “Guglielmo Marconi”, Battaglia Terme. 4th Class.
At the end of our reflections, we have chosen to represent all living beings in a wellness sea

Identifier: #39
Museum of River Navigation, Padua-Battaglia Terme
Museum of River Navigation Battaglia Terme, Italy. Lower Secondary School “A. Riccoboni”, Rovigo. Biscuolo Lorenzo, 1B.
After a progressive evolution of time men finds himself (block man color) in progress he losess the values of nature blue respresents the wealth of water, while represents the wealth of water, while represents the default for not eving defended this precious asset.

Identifier: #38
Museum of River Navigation, Padua-Battaglia Terme
The drawing of Claude Monet
Museum of River Navigation Battaglia Terme, Italy. Lower Secondary School “A. Riccoboni”, Rovigo. Milani Giulia, Di Simone Linda, Fabi Rugiada.

Identifier: #37
Museum of River Navigation, Padua-Battaglia Terme
The world is born again
Museum of River Navigation Battaglia Terme, Italy. Lower Secondary School “Sante Zennaro”, Grignano Polesine (RO). Ferrari Alex, Fortin Lorenzo, Bernardinello Pietro, 1E.
One time ago nature was in balance with humans. The Water was clean with many fish. Human being economic progress have pulled with oil and waste, rivers, lakes and seas.. Today we say stop to pollution we let's learn to recycle if we want to change the world.

Identifier: #36
Museos de Mequinenza
Liquid drops
Museo de Mequinenza, Spain. CEIP María Quintana, Mequinenza, 1st Class.
Caligrams are visual poems and we have made a craft with letters to form drops of water. We study caligrams in Spanish!

Identifier: #35
Museos de Mequinenza
Which planet do we want?
Museo de Mequinenza, Spain. IES Joaquín Torres, Mequinenza, 4th.
My drawing try to enage people to choose the world we want to live in, since now is the time and the right moment to take action to protect the planet and if we wait longer, it will be too late. In which condition do we want to leave the Earth for the next few years and also for the new generations? And that is the point, we need to be clear on what we have to do: to choose which planet we want a beautiful, colourful, green and blue planet or a place in which life disappeared and we are unrespectful. We need to think if we want to be on a planet where you cannot breathe pure air and everything around us is black, or if we want a green Earth, natural as we have had it until now. If we do not take care fo the Earth we could end up constantly breathing polluted air or even become extinct, which is why it is so important to choose well which planet Earth we want: the blue planet or the black planet.

Identifier: #34
National Water Museum of China, Hangzhou
The Protection of Each Water Drop on the Planet
National Water Museum of China. Chovan Century City Experimental School, Hangzhou. Shi Xinni.
The hands in the picture hold up the Earth, implying that we are calling for the protection of our home. The water resources on the Earth are limited, for this reason we should cherish and care for them.

Identifier: #33
National Water Museum of China, Hangzhou
Haoxiyan Dam
National Water Museum of China. Qiantang Experimental Primary School, Hangzhou. Hua Youan.
Haoxiyan Dam, which means Good River Dam, is located in Lishui City, Zhejiang Province, China it was built in the Tang Dynesty and has a history of 1166 years. Once upon a time, there was an ‘evil’ stream, which often threatened the people along the river with raging floods and towering white waves. The industrious, brave and wise Chinese invented the concept of ‘combination of blocking and dredging’. On the one hand, they build barrages and dams to block floods. On the other hand, the sluices where are used to regulate the flow of water to bring clear water into villages and fields. Since then, farmers could drive cattle to plough the fields, plant seedlings in paddyfields and fertilise them. Women washed clothes by the river, and children flew paper kites on the willow dike happily. By turning the ‘Evil’ river into the Good river, this great ancient water conservancy project is honoured as the Good River Dam. The city has been free of flooding and the people are living a peaceful and affluent life. Now, it is still a scenic spot with beautiful scenery to linger on.

Identifier: #32
National Water Museum of China, Hangzhou
Jiangnan Water Town
National Water Museum of China. Hangzhou Xiaoshan Wanxiang Junior High School, Hangzhou. Meng Lingling.
This painting consists of two parts. The first half is painted in dots and lines, in black, white and grey style, with a flatboat and gurgling water intervening, with movement to set the tranquillity, and a delicate line structure to highlight the fresh and quiet artistic conception of the Jiangnan Water Town. The second half is mainly based on the theme of the ship, using lines to better highlight the shape. The production and life of residence depend on water. This natural environment and functional needs have shaped the style and characteristics of the residents i

Identifier: #31
National Water Museum of China, Hangzhou
Water and the Earth
National Water Museum of China. Hangzhou Xiaoshan No. 2 Vocational School, Hangzhou. Li Jiacan.
The title ‘Water and the Earth’ represents that the Earth can’t live without water, moreover, people can’t live without water. At the bottom of the picture is the dry surface of the Earth, it shows the current situation of water resources reduction. With such an emergency, we can imagine that maybe in a distant future, we will have no water in the Earth, all the river, the sea will be filled with sand. The water, mountains and trees which appear in the space mirror are what people wish to have in the future. It also advocates that people all over the world need to protect water resources as soon as possible. Protect our common blue planet!

Identifier: #30
EPAL Water Museum, Lisbon
Water runs, time runs away
EPAL Water Museum, Lisbon. Colégio Valsassina, Lisboa. Afonso Costa, 12th grade
"Water runs, time runs away. Every year the problem of water waste becomes more concerning. More and more, we leave the water running and time passing, ending up losing both. This drawing intends to criticize and highlight the discrimination in the distribution and availability of potable water between less developed and more developed countries, as well as the scarcity that will result from its waste. In order to demonstrate that the current waste of this resource will lead to ts scarcity in the future, the hourglass was chosen as a symbol of time. On the upper part of the drawing, both the current waste of water and the disparity in its availability between more and less developed countries is presented, while, on the lower part of the composition, the number of people has diminished, resulting from the waste that leads to the scarcity of the resource."

Identifier: #29
EPAL Water Museum, Lisbon
Don’t waste it!
EPAL Water Museum, Lisbon. Escola Secundária Raul Proença, Caldas da Rainha. Leila Blue, 9th Grade.
The cartoon made by Leila Blue highlights the importance of saving water, through small gestures and daily routines, which can make all the difference. If we pay more attention, we may change the future of our Planet, assure this resource for future generations and together we will be able to meet one of the SDGs 6 (Drinking Water and Sanitation), defined in the 2030 Agenda.

Identifier: #28
KAHRAMAA Water Awareness Park, Doha
The Water We Created
Qatar General Electricity & Water Corporation 'KAHRAMAA'. Qatar Academy Alkhor, Jassim Al-Emadi.
I’ve decided to do something unique to hand over to the competition. When I saw the theme of the competition, I immediately connected to our SDG Goals and linking it to something abstract yet unique. Hues of blue with white dots and with abstract lines and curves made the artwork divine. I tried to bring out the message to preserve the water that we have and take care of it as many people are wasting water. I also focused on ensuring that water encompasses all. In the background, I added waves and added white dots connected representing our communities united to ensure water. The 3-d Blue patterns mirror the land that we must protect and take care of. I assure you that I drew quite an ideal community the world would like to have, water for all, reconciliation and dignity, uniting and helping people in need.

Identifier: #27
Water Museum of Venice
The Heron game
Water Museum of Venice. Primary School “Ganzina”, Loreggia, 4A.
"The river Flows… Its mysterious Waters Travel from the mountains, to the valleys, to the plants…to the seaInside its waters, outside, the river welcomes creatures, animals and plants. Men look at the river and tell myths and legends. The river is also history and pollution. The river is life water, it is life to be kept and loved. This project involved various subjects: italian, geography, science, history, civic education, religion, art, technology. It consists of a reinterpretation of the game of the goose with the boxes created by the pupils that retrace the course of the river highlighting its natural and anthropogenic elements."

Identifier: #26
Water Museum of Venice
Water pollution is a bad solution
Water Museum of Venice. Secondary School 'Gandhi' ,Dolo, 1G.
Water and pollution: an evident contrast in children’s perception. A common ideology links the generation of Friday’s for future: future is in our hands and we need to protect and respect water. Polluted planets, dryness deserted woris and dystopian future are a leitmotiv in the children’s drawings. Water is perceived as a simbol of life, a common good that must be protected and respected.

Identifier: #25
Water Museum 'Leonida Truta', Cluj-Napoca
The Woman of Waters
Leonida Trutà Water Museum Cluj-Napoca Romania. 'Mihai Eminescu' Gymnasium School Zalau, Diana Drajan.
Through this picture I’ve tried to represent water in the shape of a pregnant woman who has the planet’s image instead of an infant. Water gives life to the entire planet, only with its help both plants and animals grow and develop… What is life!

Identifier: #24
Water Museum 'Leonida Truta', Cluj-Napoca
The water we need is gone
Leonida Trutà Water Museum Cluj-Napoca Romania. 'Horea' Gymnasium School Cluj-Napoca, Sana Brimo-Hayek.
The future of water is up to us, this being conveyed by the words: “the water we need is gone”. Meaning that the clear, pure water we want we no longer exist in the nearest future unless we take urgent measures. When water will become scarce because of our carelessness, it will also take away our greenness, hence the water drops rising towards the sky, having taken some plants along with them. With water gone, life on earth we disappear, this message is being illustrated by the image of the Earth-human figure scrutinising the heavens begging for water.

Identifier: #23
Water Museum 'Leonida Truta', Cluj-Napoca
Wise nature
Leonida Trutà Water Museum Cluj-Napoca Romania. 'Gheorghe Lazar' National Pedagogical College, Cluj-Napoca. David Sucala.
All of nature’s beauties in a single drawing! The mountains, the Clearwater, the forest, the solar panels, the wind turbines and the man, who takes care of all these wonderful things, assuring children’s of today and tomorrow the water that we need.

Identifier: #22
Museo di Storia Naturale, Venezia - Natural History Museum, Venice.
Water is essential…let’s preserve it
Natural History Museum, Venice. Primary School “Ballarin”, Valli di Chioggia, 5TP.
Our class is particulary environmentally aware infact we try to support separate waste collection and recycling, therefore it seemed right to us, to talk about the “recycling” of water. That’s why we did a historical/scientific/geographical research in our territory, discovering areas where water purification and recycling take place. We realized that near the school there is ca’ di Mezzo oasis: a very rare environment, a unique microcosm where plants practice water recycling and phytopurification. In the naturalistic Oasis of Ca’ di Mezzo, located in Codevigo (PD), the waste water coming from the Altopiano canal is naturally purified by the roots of the plants and then, throught canals specially built by the Consorzio Bacchiglione Brenta, with the contribution of the Veneto Region, reintroduced into the South lagoon. Thanks to this experience and visit of the Oasis inspired us to respect water and better understand that it is fundamental to the survival of a living species. This is where our collective work comes from: we have represented some animals, fish and birds living in the oasis, one of the main activities of our territory (work in the fields) and humans (children and adults) who watch and conider the importance of RECYCLING.