The Water We Want 2021 - Other Media

Identifier: #20
Baiheliang Underwater Museum, Chongqing
Water of life
Baiheliang Underwater Museum, Chongqing. Xiangyuan Primary school in Fuling. Luo Weiliu.
Water is the source of life. Water is everywhere around us, saving water is imperative.

Identifier: #19
Danube Water-Adventure, Engelhartszell
Danube Water-Adventure, Engelhartszell. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ST. AEGIDI, 3RD CLASS.<
During the competition, we spoke in the class about importance of clean water for all creatures. We focus mostly on fish, who depend mostly on seas and rivers. The children already knew a lot about the pollution of this environment by the trash of humans. We then decided to take a sign against the contamination of our waters by using waste and craft fish out of it. Therefore we used plastic and metal waste, which is a big threat for the fish if it’s thrown away. So instead of wasting it, the children made artworks out of it. All the yoghurt cups, cans and plastic packaging served as a body for the fish. They were glued together and the fins were formed out of wire. After that, everything got wrapped in duct tape and covered in several layers of environmental friendly papier-mâché.It’s only consisted of toilet paper in water. When everything was right, the fish are painted with acrylics. The kids learn that you can reuse trash before and lands in the water. The finished artwork has made the kids very proud and the general thought of upcycling seem to have jumped over!

Identifier: #18
Special Mention
Museos de Mequinenza
Save our rivers
Museo de Mequinenza, Spain. CEIP María Quintana, Mequinenza, 2nd Class.
This photo was taken in the nature. The work seeks to show the river through body expression.

Identifier: #17
Special Mention
(with Commendation on “Innovation”)
Paese dell'Acqua / Waterland, Sassinoro
I remember
Paese Dell'Acqua /Waterland, Sassinoro. High School 'Campanella', Belvedere Marittimo, Cosenza. 4M.
"Cik ciak": Drops of water, a precious good "infinite perfume" of "picked roses" essential for life. Our health and the life of the planet depend on water: from west to east water is increasingly powerful ". reducing waste by adopting sustainable environmental behaviors... The refrain takes up the poem of the poet Petrarch: “Clear and fresh sweet waters .. I remember”: Clear and fresh waters, sweet in memory. The unconsciousness of humans who live in the "ephemeral" seek the oasis of "clear blue green water ...", to return "to the life of yesteryear."

Identifier: #16
Museu de les Aigües, Barcelona
The recovery of river spaces in urban environments, the example of Sant Vicenç dels Horts.
Museu de les Aigües, Barcelona. Institut Gabriela Mistral, Sant Vicenç dels Morts, Spain. 1a IFE.
The route of the river Llobregat to its mouth in the Delta, passes through the town of Sant Vicenç dels Horts. Around the riverbank, spaces have been created for the public where they combine, both the biodiversity characteristic of the area, respecting as much as possible the flow of the river, and spaces created so that the population can enjoy the landscape, walk on foot or by bike in the bike lane, doing sports, etc. They were created with the idea of recovering the importance of the ecological spaces of the river and taking advantage of its potential as a public space. In this sense, bird-watching points have been created, walkways to cross the river and viewpoints to admire the landscape. The agricultural roads surrounding the area have been respected creating accessible roads. In short, it is a clear example of how river spaces have been recovered as they pass through an urban road, respecting and harmonizing the river's resources.

Identifier: #15
Aquapic Water Museum, Timisoara
Every gesture matters
Aquapic - Centru Educațional Pentru Copii, Timișoara.

Identifier: #14
Aquapic Water Museum, Timisoara
Water is life
Aquapic - Centru Educațional Pentru Copii, Timișoara.

Identifier: #13
AQUATIKA, Freshwater Aquarium, Karlovac
Without plastic, the water is fantastic
AQUATIKA – FRESHWATER AQUARIUM KARLOVAC. Primary school Mahično, Karlovac. Jakov David Vuković, 4th.

Identifier: #12
Po Delta Veneto Regional Park
Clear fresh and salty water - Chiare fresche et salate acque
I took this photo with the help of a semiprofessional drone, in the valleys (from the Latin ‘Callum’ which means embankment) or in the municipality area of Rosolina. Clans and various pieces of fish are raised in the valleys. In addition, a flock of pink flamingos has settled almost perpetually for a few years and are able to coexist very well with a multitude of bird species that live in Po Delta.

Identifier: #11
Po Delta Veneto Regional Park
The future in a drop
The poem wants to underline the importance of water in the life of every human and it wants to be a wake-up call for humans, too busy with their thirst for power and delusions of omnipotence. They must find the courage to act to guarantee a future for themselves and for the next generations. The girl in the picture, we do see in the background, is the author of the poem; the picture represents the future to save. Her gesture of raising her arms, almost to take a flight, highlights the need to change course to ensure a happier future for the young people of today, the elderly of tomorrow and those who will come after.

Identifier: #10
MUSE, Science Museum, Trento
The dolphin Aqualino
It’s a short story, which tells the point of view of a little aquatic mammal regarding pollution and its solution.

Identifier: #9
Museum of River Navigation, Padua-Battaglia Terme
If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water
Museum of River Navigation Battaglia Terme, Italy. Lower Secondary School “Sante Zennaro”, Grignano Polesine (RO). Veronese Anna, Previatello Benedetta.
If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water

Identifier: #8
Museos de Mequinenza
Our rivers
Museo de Mequinenza, Spain. CEIP María Quintana, Mequinenza, 5th and 6th Class.
Students have created a song lyric about towns and rivers of the autonomous community of Aragón (Spain). The Ebro river is the most important water out from the northeast to the southeast of Aragón. The song is performed with voice and body language.

Identifier: #7
Museos de Mequinenza
Our hidden secret
Museo de Mequinenza, Spain. Centro de FP “Santa Agatoclia”, Mequinenza. Corina Mir Sagarra.
Our rivers are like mirrors. Our actions are also reflected on them, like the Sun does on the photograph. We need to take care of our hidden secret, we need to take care of our own.

Identifier: #6
National Water Museum of China, Hangzhou
Save Water for the Future
National Water Museum of China. Hangzhou Binjiang Experimental Primary School, Hangzhou. Diao Lehan.
Water is the source of all things in the soul of nature. It feeds the world and makes nature full of joy (S stands for sea spray). It nurtures life and makes everything on Earth alive (represented by colourful letters). It nourishes plants, germinate seeds and sustains vitality (represented by R). However, human beings do not care and cherish water resources. They randomly waste water resources, turning the vigourous appearance into a pool of stagnant water (F means people forget to turn off the faucet and the steady flow of water runs into a pool). The water is crying, the forest and the city are at stake (the castle in the reflection indicates that the forest and city are at stake if human beings do not stop wasting water). For the future of mankind let us take action to save water and protect our common home planet.

Identifier: #5
EPAL Water Museum, Lisbon
Let the Water as it should be
EPAL Water Museum, Lisbon. Colégio Militar, Lisbon. Matilde Carvalho, 10th Grade.
"Blue, beautiful, fresh and shinning... That’s the water we need, the ocean we want, the nature we deserve. Let the sea be pure, let the water as it should be. Let us drink, let us share with all mankind what the planet so generously gives us, giving back with respect, kindness to mother Earth. Let us inherit the water we need, to save our species, to save the world from the end. Let me bathe my future children, let me feed my parents, help my friends, water my field. Let me live happily, with no concerns, with no worries about my grandchildren’s future, with a planet where water is respected, it is clean, it is beautiful. Let me dream that Man is good and kind."

Identifier: #4
Selected by WAMU-NET Advisory Committe
A disappointing journey by the lake
Student association "CAP Malraux", Lycée International Français André Malraux (LIFAM)
Tom and Chloe, who were bored, wanted to spend the time. There's nothing more entertaining than going for a walk by the river. But what do they see, here they find rubbish scattered on the edge of the river. After some research, they discover a lot of shocking information about pollution. They suggest the idea of creating a special day of rubbish collection to their teacher in order to raise awareness among all the children in the school.

Identifier: #3
Water Museum of Venice
Water is precious, as precious as time
Water Museum of Venice. Primary School “Pisani”, Stra. Samuele Michielon, 5C.
Water is precious, as precious as time is a rap song. This song is about water as a precious goods and was written by one of our pupils.

Identifier: #2
Water Museum 'Leonida Truta', Cluj-Napoca
The Magic Fountain
Leonida Trutà Water Museum Cluj-Napoca Romania. 'Anghel Saligny' Technical College Cluj-Napoca, Carmen Pascan.
It is an old fountain, since 1943, which is coming to life every year. The water is so clear that it reflects the colour of the sky. The magic of this fountain makes everything around it come to life and the filling and lifting of the bucket, strong, is not a burden a burden.

Identifier: #1
Museum of Water Civilization in Morocco “Mohammed VI”, Marrakech
The Water We Want
Mohammed VI Museum for the Civilization of Water. School Hassan Ibn Tabit, Marrakech. Ayoub Gadi.
"It’s water that gives the colors of life to our planet. Without water everything will be dry and colorless. the space is very immense but inert and because there is no water. In this blue point in the painting there is a living nature of several plant, animal and human lives and except the man who is responsible for the destruction of nature. It is the presence of water that can make other planets livable. This is why I drew the planet Earth on the side of that of Mars to highlight the great difference that exists thanks to water and the latter is the subject of human research on earth and science discovers water on other planets, other lives existed."