The Water We Want 2021 - Videos

Identifier: #24
Aquapic Water Museum, Timisoara
Water is life
Aquapic - Centru Educațional Pentru Copii, Timișoara. Scoala Gimnazială NR 18. MARA BUGAN.
In the video we wanted to talk about water pollution, especially how we can make those around us more responsible with nature.

Identifier: #23
Hydria Water Mediterranean Network, MIO-ECSDE
Are you saving water whilst washing your hands?
HYDRIA / MIO-ECSDE. Cospicua Girls Learning Support Centre Malta. Jasmine Geriwa, Yasmin Micallef.
"When our teacher told us about the project we were very excited and together we decided to produce a video to make our project as interesting as possible, and in order to get us students completely involved and immersed in its production. Together with our teacher we discussed how to do the video. We were only two students, we would be doing the acting while our teacher would be recording the video. The other student also recorded a rap song in our native language, which contained a message promoting saving water, to accompany the video. We now shot the video which showed me leaving the water running whilst washing my hands. The other student comes in and stops me from wasting water, whilst singing the rap song.With the help of our teacher, we used a video editing software to edit and mix the video and the song together. We also decided to insert subtitles in English in order to help non-Maltese speakers to understand the lyrics. Through this video we aim to become an inspiration for others to remember to save water particularly during hand washing."

Identifier: #22
National Water Museum of China, Hangzhou
Protecting Marine Life
National Water Museum of China. Jiaxiang Foreign Language School, Chengdu. Yang Kexin.
The United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) reports that the problem of marine debris has seriously polluted the oceans affecting the survival and reproduction of marine life. From this perspective, the 11-year-old author uses stop-motion animation to show a turtle’s happy life and natural reproduction in the sea. After the baby turtle is born, it has successfully escaped the natural enemies but finally gets entangled in the garbage in those beautifully. The sea is polluted by garbage but marine creatures cannot escape their homes! The author hopes this video could increase people’s awareness towards the protection of marine ecology. And it calls action to protect our common blue planet!

Identifier: #21
Special Mention
EPAL Water Museum, Lisbon
Endless Water
Agrupamento de Escolas Infante D. Pedro, Panela.
3rd - 4th Grade.
“Endless Water” - is what we all hope will happen, even those who don't have a tap where the water gushes. With my video, I try to draw attention to the importance that water has in our lives and how important it is to be aware that it can be depleted. Water is for everyone for everyone and without it, all the Biodiversity on which man depends will be extinguished. We cannot be the plague on our planet.

Identifier: #20
AQUATIKA, Freshwater Aquarium, Karlovac
Water is life
Pupils of grade 3C who are members of the drama and music club have tried to capture the importance of water for all living creatures in their performance water is life. It is a shadow theatre performance. The pupils wrote the script and made the dolls themselves. The topic of the performance is related to their hometown Karlovac which is located at the confluence of four rivers. Dora Kučinić (17) student of the Karlovac Gimnazija Grammar School helped with the shooting and editing.

Identifier: #19
AQUATIKA, Freshwater Aquarium, Karlovac
A Queens Journey
AQUATIKA – FRESHWATER AQUARIUM KARLOVAC. Institution for the education of children and youth, Karlovac. Claudia and Antonela, 2nd CLASS.
The presentation tells a story about river Korana, which springs in the oldest and most famous Croatian National Park, Plitvice Lakes, runs through the centre of our town; The story emphasises its complexity, beauty and treasures and importance of preserving its heritage to the next generations to come. The story introduces and tells us how river Korana is connected to all the waters in the world, and why it is important to be friends with nature.

Identifier: #18
AQUATIKA, Freshwater Aquarium, Karlovac
AQUATIKA – FRESHWATER AQUARIUM KARLOVAC. Elementary school GRABRIK, Karlovac. Jana Božićević, Roza Grginčić, Lorna Ilić, Lana Požar, 8th Class.
We are from Karlovac, a city situated on the banks of four rivers – the Mreznica, the Dobra, the Korana and the Kupa. Everything in Karlovac is connected to the four rivers – the freshwater Aquatic Aquarium, the romantic walks along the banks and the drinking water. We use rivers to name everything weekend – kindergartens, sports clubs, restaurants, our own children. Our rivers are very clean, beautiful and full of life. We want them to stay that way. With this video we want to remind people all over the world that nature is our treasure, that the Earth is our responsibility not our property.Nature gives us everything – food, protection, fun in life. We have to appreciate what we have because the Earth is the only one. Give nature of the same treatment we get from it. For most of history, man has had to fight nature to survive; In this century he is beginning to realise that in order to survive he must protect it. We hope that this work will help save our greatest treasure – nature! We do not inherit the Earth from our ancestors we borrow it from our children. The environment is no one’s property to destroy, it’s everyone’s responsibility to protect.

Identifier: #17
Water Factory / Opificio delle Acque, Bologna
The Water We Want
Water Factory – Opificio delle Acque, Bologna, Italy. High School 'Panzacchi', Ozzano dell'EMILIA. MARTINA GIOVANNINI, ALICE FULIGNO, 1B.
The video is about what we can do to safeguard the environment. We explained why we need to save the water, with the photos we want to show how it is now and what the water used to be. In the images the water can be clear or polluted, but we have put more clear photos because it is a positive view on what we can do. Behind each photo there is a reasoning that can change from person to person.

Identifier: #16
Po Delta Veneto Regional Park
Essential Water
Apparently desert landscape but full of life. The essential water which gives life or can destroy it. A pleasant or violent harmonious movement. Music and photos produced by me.

Identifier: #15
Danube Water-Adventure, Engelhartszell
Protect it!
Danube Water-Adventure, Engelhartszell. MIDDLE SCHOOL ST. AEGIDI.
The video presents drawings of the students combined with important messages on the topic 'water'.

Identifier: #14
MUSE, Science Museum, Trento
Little tips
The work is a short movie made by the students of the class I B of our middle school in Mezzolombardo (Tn) Italy. It is a set of simp:e solutions to prevent water Ioss during our daily routine. The studcnts understood thcir own impact on thc environment and on die climate change after their studies ofthe waterproperties and cycle in science and the measurement oftheir ecological and water footprint. After studying the goals of2030 Agenda, theyunderstood that big changes can be reached not only at high level but also with a Iot of small changes in everyone's everyday life. After a short introduction, the students show some of their small actions to avoid the water Ioss. It is diffcult to think about the Iack of water in a region like ours, full of mountains, waterfalls, rivers and lakes, but we are all connected and what a Child do here can have a negative or positive effect on the life of another Child in another place ofour planet Earth.

Identifier: #13
MUSE, Science Museum, Trento
No to pollution
Video made of all the children’s drawings

Identifier: #12
Museum of River Navigation, Padua-Battaglia Terme
Universal Water
Museum of River Navigation Battaglia Terme, Italy. Lower Secondary School, “Sante Zennaro”, Grignano Polesine (RO). Zennaro Mirko, 2E.
The project created by Mirko Zennaro is a sound composition, accompanied by a video that represents water in its various forms and in its natural strength. It is important because it gave life to our planet and we must respect it, for the survival of every living being. “Universal Water”, composed and played by Mirko, is the motto of the same work and conveys the value of this precious treasure that we must try to protect without unnecessary waste.

Identifier: #11
Museos de Mequinenza
Water is life
Museo de Mequinenza, Spain. IES Joaquín Torres, Mequinenza. Andrea Montull Nieves.
The project “Water is life” is a work that was born with the objective of transmitting to all the people of the world how important water is in our lives, because water is present in a large part of our day to day and our actions. Also, does anyone imagine our life without water? The answer is clear, for this reason, the main objective of this project is to help everyone who see it to understand that if the water runs out, life would disappear and we would not exist. To do this, we wanted to visually convey everything that water means to us, and on the other side, what we could not do if there were no water on our planet. With this scheme, we want people to reflect on which of the two options they want in their life. In conclusion, we want to send a message to the whole world encouraging them to get involved in caring for the environment and specifically, in the responsible use of water, our water, because if we do not do it the planet would stop being blue. And who would imagine our blue planet without being blue? Let’s take care of our water, because then, we will be taking care of our life and our environment!

Identifier: #10
EPAL Water Museum, Lisbon
The Water We Want
EPAL Water Museum, Lisbon. Agrupamento de Escolas Infante D. Pedro, Penela. 3rd - 4th Grade.
The 3rd and 4th grade at Educative Center of Espinhal, (Which is a part of the Infante D. Pedro School Group, Penela), participates in the “The Water We Want” contest in the video category. The story narrated by the students defines a timeline from the origin of the oceans until present time. The message is clear: Let´s protect the oceans before it´s too late!”. Protection and Valuation of water resources must be teaching cornerstones early on. This was the main premise for the development of this project.

Identifier: #9
KAHRAMAA Water Awareness Park, Doha
The Water We Want
Qatar General Electricity & Water Corporation 'KAHRAMAA'. Qatar Academy Alkhor, Fatima Saad Almohannadi, 8th grade.

Identifier: #8
Selected by WAMU-NET Advisory Committee
Water Our Life
Student association "CAP Malraux", Lycée International Français André Malraux (LIFAM)
We wanted in our presentation to show the different uses of water by man. Man consumes a lot but does not pay attention.Today it is time to change to prove that we can do it and that soon if we keep this attitude we will die from our actions. If we continue wasting water, we will blame ourselves. Water is vital for us and for many other living beings so this project has allowed us to transmit this information and we hope it will be heard as we said in the video "build a better future and change the world".We address the world that water is in shortage and without it we will all die.We promise to change everything. It is up to us to do what is necessary, our life depends on it.

Identifier: #7
Water Museum of Venice
Water is…
Water Museum of Venice. Secondary School ”Ungaretti”, Spinea, 1C.
"The video “Water is…” is the composition of drawings made by girls and boys during the performance of some activities concerning environmental issues. They demonstrate how lively their environmental sensitivity is, and how enthusiastically they are willing to fight to defend a heritage that they already realize is theirs. It is also noted how broad their horizon on the world is, and how they are already determined to identify causes and responsibilities, and to envisage their personal future commitment."

Identifier: #6
Water Museum of Venice
The willow that saved the kittens
Water Museum of Venice. Primary School “Nievo”, Rio San Martino di Scorzè, 5A.
The class received the virtual visit of a nature guide who talked to the children about plants and animals that live near the rivers of their territory. Trought some drawings, the children represented the story of the willow that saved the kittens.

Identifier: #5
Water Museum 'Leonida Truta', Cluj-Napoca
The happy drops dance
Leonida Trutà Water Museum Cluj-Napoca Romania. 'Panda' Primary School Cluj-Napoca, Little Scouts Class.
This video illustrates a day spend in nature. The happy drops listen in turn to the wind, the thunder, the rain and then they start dancing while waiting for the rainbow to appear. Children are happy and dance together, enjoying “the water we want”.

Identifier: #4
Water Museum 'Leonida Truta', Cluj-Napoca
Water with/without our gargabe
Leonida Trutà Water Museum Cluj-Napoca Romania. 'Ana Aslan' Technical College Cluj-Napoca, Raul Pop.
If we want to build a beautiful future for our children, it is very important to collect the waste around us, even nature is cleaning itself! Stop polluting nature!

Identifier: #3
Museum of Water Civilization in Morocco “Mohammed VI”, Marrakech
The Water We Want
Mohammed VI Museum for the Civilization of Water. School Massar Al Omam, Marrakech. Asmae Momayiz.
Water is the most useful molecule in this whole world. Every living being takes advantage of it. It is also used in watering, drinking and medicine as well. Water benefits all the organisms and is consumed in a large amount every day, and this leads to a lack of it day by day, so we must preserve it as much as possible, and use it for beneficial reasons. Let's not forget about the fact that there are many people who pollute water, and that's obviously a bad behavior. They also keep on polluting oceans and rivers even though they know that it's forbidden. We all hope that this type of behavior stops and let's all stand up against it and take care of these common problems in our world.

Identifier: #2
Museum of Water Civilization in Morocco “Mohammed VI”, Marrakech
Water is life don't waste it
Mohammed VI Museum for the Civilization of Water. School HEF, Marrakech. Imrane El hilali
This video shows a barren land where a man is fighting to survive the intense thirst, suddenly he receives help and quenches his thirst without forgetting the tree that is suffering just like he was, and so life comes back.

Identifier: #1
Museum of Water Civilization in Morocco “Mohammed VI”, Marrakech
Mohammed VI Museum for the Civilization of Water. School Al Maourid Primary, Marrakech. Louay Dalali.
The future of humanity is based on water. Without water, there is no life. Perhaps wars will erupt in the future because of the absence of water. Neither oil nor gold will solve the earth's problems. Let's conserve water. A drop of water on your white day will help you in your dark day